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I know There's So Much More, So Much More Than I Can See

11 days left :D

so everyone has started signing year books today, it took me all day to write 10 pages in my friends book and i was crying by the end of it, she sent me a text when she had read it and said she had choked up :cry:

dunno if you have all seen the pics from the james lafferty charity game yet but im seriously love them, jackson is even more cute when he is with james. and how hot did james look. i so wish i could have been there but i think it would have cost a fortune and i really can't miss school rite now. Joy's version of the national anthem was so good i love her so much i think im just as obssessed with her than i am OTH. while i was sat in science i was just zoneing out and i must have been thinking about joy because i just caught a glimse of a poster of the solar system and instead of reading jupiter i read it joypiter lol i had a little chuckle to my self and my friend gave me a weird look :)

i really can't wait to read what people will write in my book, i need to take it tomorrow cos i 4got it today. everyone was just being really giggly today, you can totally tell were leaving in 2 weeks all anyone wants to do is just sit and reminise and laugh!

i really dont know what else to say i just wanted to blog for some reason

anyway bye guys xoxox