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Morgue13-2 Blog

Dirge..... Of... Cerberus..... Trailler.... Soo... Much... More... Important ...

Than..... eveything realy. I want it sooooooo much I cannot express it whilst watching the trailler.... I also can't stop watching the trailer, so, hell this is all you;re getting. Oh, and I hate Prime Sonic and I'm never talking to him again... wait... I'm talking to him now... but this is it! Anyway, he'll never see this, but hell, it might help get him to leave me alone.

okay, okay, you have a right to know....

I'm not on GS as much as I used to be, I know, but, yes I am totaly and utterly incoprihenisibly obbsessed with Final Fantasy.... I've completed an RPG for the first time ever... FFVII, and now I'm on disc 2 (latter half...) of FFIX... I want FFVIIDC so much it's become the major pre-ocupation of my life... such iressistably adorable charaters.....

URU etc.

So, It's about time I updated my blogg.... Since it looks like I'm still away. Too many forums... attacking!!!!!! Not like I have much to say. Just that I installed the patch, and I now have Until Uru, which means I can go onto URU with real people there to keep me company. I've never wanted to do anything less.


*heart-rending sob* I'm going on holiday, and so, I'm unlikley to be blogging, posting or talking to anyone. ^_^. Miss me? Don't ask exactly when... it could be any minute now *paranoid look*.

Levels, geeky-ness.

Hyphenating geeky-ness is the first step.... Okay, so far in nearly two months I have NOT logged on at all ina whole day: twice. I'm now level 9. Ikari Warior... what ever that means. Nothing happened. At all. Otherwise I'd be talking about what happed. Honest.....

A real game-related post.

You thought you'd never see the day, right? Halo is an immensly popular game. It's 3D and you can move in all directions... I don't like it. BUT there's a free version called Halo Zero, it's 2D, you can go backwards, forwards, up and down. It's not very long and if you don't speak french it's a complete pain. I love it. (I do speak french, to an extent) appart from anything, you can land warthogs on top of people... I'm enthralled. Anyway. It's quite hard to die, and that's all I look for in a game... ease of play. I don't want chalenges, I want mediocre entertainment and an ego massage. Story line would be good, and I missed Creutana, but hell, it's free, and still technicaly shoot-em-up. (all be it second person, 2D and silent)

Am I Premium?

No, I don't pay for it, and I don't get the benefits. So, uh, why am I listed as a premium user? I'm not going to report it becuase I'll probably just get into trouble, and I'm not getting unfair acces to any features.... I don't WANT blazing fast downloads, extra themes, my own union (or anyone elses), hi-res video or what-ever. Still my level is going up reasonable smooth, and I no-longer have a patronising message up there, so I'm happy. Although I do look like a complete geek to be a GS member. This place bugs like hell.

Okay, sorry.

Yeah, it's been years right? I've been BUSY! Roleplaying on Prime's crappy Sci-Fi thing mainly..... one day it will kill me. Don't worry, I'll bore myself for hours doing this.

My website.

Yeah, it's kinda fixed. All working, apart from the dolls and couple of the less interesting parts.

My Website.

Okay, the most important part is finished. It's just the less important parts of acctualy getting links in place. And making it avaliable from other people's computers. ^_^. I'm not putting a link up yet though. I can't risk someone acctualy GOING on it. AHHHHHHHH! Wait untill it's done.
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