A real game-related post.
by Morgue13-2 on Comments
You thought you'd never see the day, right? Halo is an immensly popular game. It's 3D and you can move in all directions... I don't like it. BUT there's a free version called Halo Zero, it's 2D, you can go backwards, forwards, up and down. It's not very long and if you don't speak french it's a complete pain. I love it. (I do speak french, to an extent) appart from anything, you can land warthogs on top of people... I'm enthralled. Anyway. It's quite hard to die, and that's all I look for in a game... ease of play. I don't want chalenges, I want mediocre entertainment and an ego massage. Story line would be good, and I missed Creutana, but hell, it's free, and still technicaly shoot-em-up. (all be it second person, 2D and silent)