Now that we know that there is Nintendo 3DS and PSP2 (or like Sony calls it, NGP) coming. We have heard pretty much all the facts so it's time to choose. (or you can pick both :P ) Both have good qualities but which one is for you? I was not fully decided until I heard very good reasoning at this certain podcast (finnish gaming magazines podcast). I don't remember it fully and converting it to english would be... annoying, so I won't put it here but it made me choose and what is the choice? … Nintendo 3DS.
I have PSP Go and it's pretty new. PSP has pretty much the same games that PS1/PS2/PS3 has but games just aren't that good. They are minimised games of bigger consoles. It may sound that I'm bashing PSP, but I'm not. Yes there is some games which look and are amazing (God of war, FF, Gran Turismo, LBP ect) but you can play similar games on the PS3 with big screen and home theater. PSP2 is going to go pretty much the same path as original PSP. It's not necessary a bad thing but if I can play samekind of games on the PS3 it's just not worth to buy PSP2. (okay this is pretty much the the thing what they did say on the podcast...) I have to admit that specs of the Sony's new console are amazing! Lots of raw power! But it is enough? And the pricing... I'm sure that it's not going to be super expensive handheld. It will be around 299-350.
With Nintendo DS it's different kind of story. You can't play similar games on any other console Okay there is mario and zelda games which are on the Wii, but like the zelda's on the DS those are different than one at the Wii. There is great library of original and very enjoyable games (Advanced wars: Dual strike comes to mind first). I have very high hopes for the Nintendo 3DS. When the device is released there aren't games that I'm interested but in the opening "launch window" there is coming couple games. Price here in Finland is about 279e for the console but game prices haven't been announced. I'm sure games are going to be around 45-60euros. DS game prices are about 39-55e.
This was just something I wanted to write. You can disagree on everything :P
What are your thoughts of the Nintendo 3DS? Or the PSP2/NGP?
- MorkkiTH -