MorkkiTH / Member

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Again... Some Thoughts

I've been thinking about my gaming "life" lately... I have played games since when I was only 6-7y old. I did go to my friends because my family didn't have money buy those days gaming machines. I have played Segas, nintendos, sonys etc consoles/games trough my life. Lots of fun memories! :) Now-days I own PS3, Nintendo DS Lite and PC.(owned x360...) I play pretty much, but because I have my real life also(:P), and when I started dating again gaming has gone down little bit. I play about 1-3h per day now, this is much less than last couple years when I played almost all my free-time. Other thing where I have spend time(many years) is the gym. Gym is one thing where I want to go, this is because I want stay in shape and I want to be healthy. :)

I did read an article about Japanese players and how there gaming is more an lifestyle and not a hobby like usually it is here. This isn't anything new who knows something about games and Asians.:P In my friend circle I know one friend who is into gaming like I am. Everyone else are less... every my friend play games of course but much much less than I do. I spend lots of money on gaming/games, I try to find information about games and I speak lots of about games, I play games of course and much more. But still is it lifestyle or only a hobby...? I have asked this question at my self and I have trying to figure this out. In the end I think my gaming is more an hobby than lifestyle. I'm not that hardcore about games in the end.(my friends says otherwise :P:D) But I know that it would be only one more "push" and I would be at the hardcore side :P

So... I'm very curious. Is your gaming life a lifestyle or an hobby and how did you start your gaming career?

...And then something else :) My girlfriend is coming today :) She has been at Germany... I have had lots of work(again) and two more days and then I have some free-time :) I have played some demos at the PS3 and watched new trailers/videos. Heavenly Sword story videos are so cool! :) Guy who tells the story is so good and have amazing voice! I did play the Folklore demo. It was... It didn't hit me. I haven't waited this game but I have heard at this game so I wanted to play the demo, but when I played the demo... it was nothing special. Okay some good things game did have but in the end this game wasn't for me even it is a rpg game. Okay... I would buy this game if it would be very cheap. Bigger and more interesting games are coming.

I have played little bit Pokemon Diamond :) I have spend about 16h at this new pokemon world. My group has Kadabra 40lvl, Gyarados 35lvl, Graveller 22lvl and my first pokemon whos name I don't remember now 36lvl. I haven't found other good pokemons yeat... need good flying pokemon...

PAX2007 was great :) Lots of cool games coming out :)