I Have had my PS3 two days now. Hmm... what I should tell... First I have to say that I love that machine(Like I did x360). Playstation 3 is good looking and VERY silent (x360 wasn't!). Controllers are also pretty standard PS controllers. Controllers are very light and that bothers me littlebit... x360 controller was "heavy" and PS3 controller feels little bit strange, but I think that will soon pass. But PS3 controller is much better than older PS controllers! PS3 menu is similar to PSP so it felt right away familiar because I have had PSP. It is very simple to use and everything is found quickly.
I Have played almost all demos and also Resistance: Fall Of Man and Motorstorm which I did get with my PS3 :) I have to say that Resistance is great game! Motorstorm is also fun driving game but Resistance has got my attention right now. I loved Heavenly Sword demo(very short demo but this will be amazing game when it is finished!) Also I have played lots of Gran Turismo HD. Ninja Gaiden Sigma was pretty lame somehow... I don't know why but it felt uncomfortable... Darkness was entertaining and maybe I will buy it... Playstation store hasn't much games or anything else... I was expecting more game demos and other things but no... I hope this will change in the near future.
And one more thing shocked me. My girlfriend(who don't like games!) first sayed that PS3 is good looking and when I was searching games etc at the Playstation store. She looked couple of games and sayed "Those are games that I would play"!! YES SHE SAID! I was like WTF!?!?!? :shock: Very weird! But let's see how this works out... :D
Oh and I also uploaded a picture of my PS3 and games :)