I got Borderlands today and I have played it about... I don't know how much but I'm at lvl8. My first impression is that game is good, very good!:) Game is littlebit like Fallout 3 but at the moment Borderlands is much better! One thing I have to mention that there is lots of weapons! I'm only in the beginning and I have seen about 30 weapons :P I have used only 6 but it's good to have a choice ;) :D I like how the rpg elements are fused to the game. Graphics are also very good looking and I'm happy that they did change the graphics **** I want more but I'm just too tired! :(
There are some bad news on my work front... I was called to a meeting yesterday and I was told that because of the companys financial situation I will be moved to another place and demoted one notch down... BUT there are some positive things also on this. My salary goes down only 80e (which is nothing and yes this is a positive thing because I though my salary would be hundreds of euros smaller) and my work trip is going to be half what it is now. New place where I'm going to work is much challenging where I'm right now and it's good to see new places. and final thing is that my gym is now much closer! :) So after all I'm pretty happy :) All this is going to happen in 2.5 weeks... More about this when the time is right.
Soon it's time of this months monthly blog! I'm very excited to make it because I have bougth lots of games, watched ton of anime and couple other things :) I have noticed that my monthly blogs aren't getting as much attention what they did get some time ago. One reason is that I haven't had the energy to think anything new. My Monthly blog is pretty small and there is not anything special... I hope I have the energy to fix this problem. I would like to hear from you what should I change/fix/delete or what new I should put? I hope you all can say something :)
- MorkkiTH -
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