I have been reading some online comics pretty long time... Nowdays I read CTRL ALT DEL comic, Looking For Group, VG Cats, Rooster Teeth and Mac Hall. :) CTRL ALT DEL is the best comic that I have ever been reading! It includes everything! It's funny(!), it's about games, it has good characters. Excellent package all together! It's first comic was released 2002 and it is continued to this day. If you want to read this comic and you want to keep up at the storie, you pretty much have to start at the first comic.
VG Cats is also good comic about games. But It hasn't same kind of storie like CTRL ALT DEL. But that isn't so big a problem. Comic is focused on the Nintendo/anime characters, but some PS2 and couple of x360 characters has appeared at the comic :) Characters are mainly (like the name says) cats :D
Newest comic is "Looking For Group". I started to read this about 2 weeks ago... It isn't about games, but it's pretty funny and it has one character which is just GREAT! :D
But now back to gaming :D