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E3 Exit

E3 is pretty much over for this year. The big three and couple others did show us what they have and I will tell you my final opinions about these news.


Couple very interesting games; Gears Of War 3 and Halo Reach. Then there is Fable 3, I still haven't finished Fable 2 so I have no expectations for this game. Maybe when I have finished second one. Kinect (Did I write right now? :P ) was something which I was interested but after the show my thoughts were "WHAT?!". We did see pretty much Wii games on the x360, I mean BAD wii games. Yes it's cool when you can flip of your hand change pages of you x360 "pages" and if you want to watch movies you can use your hands but if there isn't any real hardcore games then it's just not worth it. and again! Where were the games?!

Score: 7/10


After the catastrophe of the MS show I was little bit scared what Nintendo would give us. More casual games? But luckily Nintendo did give us great show and they did show us lots of hardcore games. Even when I don't own wii anymore it's nice to see that Wii gamers are getting new hardcore games! There were Metroid Other M, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Kirby(wau!), golden sun ect. and if this wasn't enough they did show us 3DS. My face was about 10cm away from the screen at this point :P Anf if this wasn't enough they did show us Kid Icarus game and told us that there were coming Zelda, mario and many more games for the 3DS. They didn't announce any release dates or price but I'm sure we don't see 3DS this year and price will be 200-300e. and of course they will drop DS prices.

Score: 9/10


I'm mainly PS3 player so this was my number one interest on the E3. So what did Sony show us? Last year when they did show us the Move I was skeptical and I was afraid that now Sony is going after the casual market like Nintendo and Microsoft. Yes there were some casual games but I was really suprised how many hardcore games are coming to Move. And many games are getting Move update. If you (like I am) going to buy all what you need then It's going to cost you about 100e/d. Luckily my birthday is couple days after the release of the Move so maybe I can get this for my gift ;) :D There were lots of games shown us also but many we had seen before the show already. Killzone 3, Twisted Metal, Dead Space 2 and Dead Space Extraction, Portal 2 (Suprise that big PS3 hater did come to the show and praised the PS3!), Motorstorm 3 (which seems to more interesting than Motorstorm 2), inFamous 2, Sorcery (Move game), Heroes on the move, Socom 4, LBP2, Patapon 3 (PSP), Kingdom hears (PSP), Final Fantasy XIV and Gran Turismo 5 (Finally a release date!). Where was The Last Guardian?

Sony also told about 3D gaming which at this point is just a gimmick. 3DS don't require 3D glasses and if Sony or MS can't bring this kind of technology to the consoles I'm not going to buy anything. If Sony want's to bring us real 3D games then remove the glasses then come talk to me.

There was also little bit talk about PSN+. it's going to cost about 50e/year. This will give access to games, extra content ect which otherwise you wouldn't get. And with year subscription you are going to get about 200e worth of games ect for free! online gaming and what PSN offers at the moment will be free also in the future :)

Score: 9/10

EA and Ubisoft

Ubisoft show was bad, I mean really bad! There was only two games I want. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. And what was that "lasertag" game all about?! No no no and again NO!

EA show was much better but not perfect. It's good to see that Need For Speed serie is going to back to it's original things. Well just have to see how this works on present day. Is it enough...(?) They did show us more about Crysis 2 which looks amazing and I'm waiting PS3 release (I don't have good PC). Medal Of Honor which seems to more interesting than new COD game for me... Dead Space 2 looks and feels great, Bulletstorm, EA Sports MMA and of course there was lots of casual games also...

it seems that EA has great games coming out and well see how things work out for them. Ubisoft was like I did say. Very dissapointing! Only 2 games coming out (which interest me) and Ghost Recon is coming out 2011... and Brotherhood is pretty much Assassin's Creed 2.5.

Ubisoft: 6/10, EA: 8/10

In The End

E3 wasn't that big or great I expected but I still give 8.8/10. Next is... TGS if remember correctly and I'm sure that every company is going to give us something new there. Well just have to wait couple months. if you managed to read all congratulations! :P Comments are welcome :)