MorkkiTH / Member

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Few Words About Resident Evil 5 Demo


Today I downloaded Resident Evil 5 demo on the PSN store. It has 2 levels which you can play with friend or by yourself. (I suppose so because I didn't test co-op). Playable levels are same levels which we have seen on the videos ect.
First of I will say that game looks great! Characters and enviroments are made very well and are full of details. Lighting effects ect are there too.

Biggest minus is how you move your character. I did know this before hand but still. You can't move and shoot! I know that developers said that it makes gamers feel the pressure or something... Also running and turning is difficult and it feels that your character is going on rails. Or is it just me? Shooting is easy and fun. Enemies are well made too and there are couple interesting enemies like the chainsaw guy and axe man. You have second character moving with you and helping you trough the levels. Friend AI seems to be pretty ok. There is some hickups but all this is eliminated when you play with your friend.

So... Game looks great and other parts of the game is well made too but only thing at the moment I have to complain is moving and controlls of the chracter. Well see how this is going to end up soon!