Again I will write something game related but this time subject is little bit more serious. First subject is game addiction. There is fine line if you are playing games for fun and playing games because you are addicted. Most people will say when asked that they aren't addicted to videogames. But many are and they don't even know this. But what is being addicted gamer or just being a "normal" gamer. If you play every day 2 hours, are you addicted? If you play Monday 10 hours straight and then you keep couple days off, are you addicted? I say "No". Most over the top things which I have heard has happened in Asia. Some has stopped to eat and drink because they want to play games without interruption. Some parents has leaved theirs small childs without any to watch over the child. These people are addicted to videogames and have big problem. But what is the "cure" for this kind of people? Is it to stop playing games? Or just some games? This one is tricky and I don't know 100% right answer for this one.
Question Part 1 & 2: Do you have any suggestion how you could help someone who is addicted for videogames? Are you addicted playing games?
When talking about limits, everyone's should know their own limits. I know my own limit and when limit is reached I stop playing. Very good sign to me stop playing is when I get frustrated. I usually notice this myself pretty quickly but sometimes my girlfriend says when I'm going over the top. So when the time comes, I quit the game and turn off the console. I do something else which aren't any game related for a while and then return to play the game again. I'm again very calm and I'm in full controll. This suits me the best :)
Question Part 3: What is your limit when you stop playing games?
Being a gamer is easy now days because lots of people play games. Or is it? In my case lots of people don't understand when 22yo man is playing games. More surprising is that most who are amazed are in fact 18-25yo!!! Like I did say, being gamer is easy and to play games is very common now days, but still there is people who think playing games is child's play. Yes, lots of young people/Children are playing games but there is lots of over 30yo gamers. They just don't keep so much noise. I don't shame and hide that I'm a gamer. I'm proud to be a gamer at this age! "Old look" when gamers were these nerdy guys is over. Athletes, politicians, parents, grandfathers, mothers, police, firemans and more, play games!
Question Part 4: Do your friends ever say to you that it is little bit odd that you play games?
Wii, Sony and Microsoft have shown games which interest all kinds of people. There are games which are for small children, there are games for teenagers and there are games for adults. I think age rating is good for games. But there are lots of people who don't understand the whole age rating system. My opinion is that if game is people over 18+ then gamer who is 12yo shouldn't play the game. But if someone who is 16yo and he/she knows the difference of the real world and the game world, then he/she could play games which are for mature people. Unfortunately most parents don't know about the age ratings and child can easily acquire games that aren't intended for Childs. So we should teach parents that they could make some decisions when buying games for their children.
Question Part 5: What do you think about the age rating system?
I have played since I was 5 or 6yo. My interest on games has grown all the time and I enjoy more and more when playing games. I'm not addicted and I know my limits. I am average player (maybe just little bit over average…) who wants only have fun when I play games. Games help us reach our dreams, games make us dream for better things, games help us learn new things, games makes us happy, sad and scared. Games awake emotions. What more would you want?
Question Part 6: What more can games do for us?
I hope that you did enjoy this little blog post(?) :)
If you want to know more about age ratings go here and here.