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My Thoughts On Sony's Press Conference

This is littlebit later than other post because it was so late when Sony's press conference ended that I did go straight so sleep. But let's talk about the conference.

Like MS Sony did present their own vision of motion control. But in the difference that Sony did show us some real games too. I did get the picture that Sony is going littlebit different direction than Wii or Kinetic. More hardcore way... But price goes pretty high because you have to buy 2 controllers, camera and a game of course. But well see. They are releasing the controller couple days before my birthday so maybe I can get it for present (free) :P

There was games shown of course but there was many which we did already see before the show. Killzone 3 which looks amazing by the way and the I feel the same atmosphere which were on the KZ2. Hmm what else: Infamous 2, Dead Space 2, Dead Space Extraction (move game), SOCOM4, LBP2, Meda Of Honor, Portal 2, Gran Turismo 5 (Finally a release date but still so far away...) and in the end we did see Twisted Metal. I'm not interested on this game and I don't see why all the fuss. I have played previous games but... I'm just not interested.

PSN+ is coming and it's 50bucks/year. I'm probably going to pay that 50bucks (euros in here)

So Sony's press conference was great like nintendo's but I'm not sure which took the best show... MS is far away... Nintendo did show some games and of course 3DS! Sony did show us Move, Lots of games and couple other news. Your thoughts on Sony conference?

- MorkkiTH -