I've been busy... with games! :D:P I've been trying to find some good games in bargain price but I pretty much have every worth getting game already :P I could get "James Bond: Quantum Of Solace" in 20e, Fracture is little bit under 30e and valkyria chronicles is 40e... if you have any suggestions what other games (PS3) I should get/try, tell me :) check my collection if you don't which games I already have.
I'm also trying finishing my older games:
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
I don't know why I haven't finished this already... Must get back to play this when possible! There is lots of lvl grinding which is very time consuming but story is funny and there is lots of things to do. Also there is original voice actors which is very important!
Eternal Sonata
Other RPG game which I haven't finished. I'm getting back to playing this but when I started to play RE5 everything was put aside. Game is very good looking and pretty traditional jrpg. There are lots of characters where you can chooce and story isn't anything special but still interesting. Chopins music is great and it fits to the game.
I did leave this because I did have some problems with voice controll. Game is good when voice controll works but when this don't work game gets pretty annoying. One of the reasons why voice controll don't work is my english, I have some problems with couple words. Other problem is that mic sound lvl is very low and I have to say very loud my commands. I have checked all the settings and those are okay. I should borrow someones different mic and test...
Armored Core 4
I did get this very cheap and game is very hard!!! Couple first levels were easy but after couple chapters game did get very very hard. I should invest more time on this game. Graphics wise game isn't anything special but controlling and customising cool mech is lots of fun!
FarCry 2
Game is very beautiful, sounds great and atmosphere is there but why I haven't finished this one? One reason is that getting to point B you have to travell 10minutes! and there is lots of annoying enemies everywhere! Story isn't anything special. I have only finished just over 20% of the game. I don't know when I will finish this one...
Wipeout HD
I'm playing this one sometimes. Getting all races to gold is hard! Everything has to go right! I'm taking my time with this. I'm not sure when I'm going to finish this one...
I bought this long time ago! I have finished only couple first chapters. One reason why I haven't finished this one is because I'm color blinde and it's important when finishing bossess and collecting monsters (I wrote blog about this problems last year...). But I still I will try to finish this one!
NFS: Prostreet
I did get this one very cheap last year but I only played couple races. I haven't been very interested on finishing this. Maybe someday...
There is only couple days left before new monthly blog :) I'm finishing collecting all the pics and I'm almost ready to go! This weekend I'm planning finishing RE5 again :P I'm upgrading weapons, collecting treasures and emblems. I'm also trying to get all the figures ect. Second time trough my main plans has been collecting all the treasures, emblems and upgrading weapons to the max (as many possible). I have already maxed 6 weapons. and I can maybe upgrade 3 more weapons before I finish my second playtrough.
I'm still thinking if I'm going to buy new MP3 player. I have my eyes on Ipod Touch (16gig) but it cost about 280e... If you have Ipod Touch I would like to hear if it's good player and worth getting. (?)
I'm going to finish this now and be sure to check my next monthly blog!:)