I got my first platinum trophy!!!! :D:D:D:D Game is: "Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection"
Collecting all the trophys didn't take me much time which was suprise for me. Longest it took me to take final gold trophy which did mean that you did have to get the trophy: (Yatta!, Gold) which did mean that I did have to beat game: Dr Robotnik's M.B.Mn which was very hard thing to do!
yay me! :D
- MorkkiTH -
I got my SECOND platinum trophy also today!!!!!! :D Game is: Resident Evil 5 (PS3) This is my lucky Day! :D I played rest of the game alone. Levels 1-3 I played co-op with NuKku. Most annoying part of the game in the professional difficulty is boss fight in the end of level 5-3! I died 59 times!!! :P But finally I did beat them and yay I have my second platinum trophy! 2 PLATINUM TROPHYS IN ONE DAY! :D