It is second week of my vacation... I have played about 6-8 hours per day. Much less if my girlfriend has a free day at work. But lots of gaming! I Finally finished getting 1000 gamescore at Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion :) I know that you can get 250 gamescore more if i would have expansion pack(shivering Island) but I don't have it. Also soon I will be finishing Final Fantasy III (DS) I hope! My characters are 80 lvl and two of my characters job lvl is 99(knight and Dragoon). Magus is about lvl 85 and Devour is about 70... If I remember correctly.
What would be my next x360 that I will try to finish... I bought the Dead Rising little while ago but I did loose my temper... stupid saving system... Very entertaining game nevertheless... Lots of zombies to kill :D I also remembered that I haven't finished the NFS: Carbon... also there is Test Drive... Test Drive is very entertaining game... so maybe I play that... or Dead Rising... I'm not sure... I also have Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time that I haven't finished yet... Lots of playing to do... But because of my money situation(very tight...) I can't buy new games. So I have Lot's of time to play my "old" games :)
I Have watched almost all my unwatched movies :) There is only left "To Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift" DOA movies were... pretty much crap... luckily they were only 2.99 :) So I have had lots of progress in these couple of days :) Today I have watched anime called: "Genshiken". It's very entertaining and funny anime! It is must watch gategory!