It is 23.3 and PS3 has launched at Europe, but i'm not impressed. There are lot's of games that are already on the x360. I preordered PS3, but I cancelled it about couple of months ago. There is only a two games I would buy and those are "Motorstorm" and "Resistance: Fall Of Man".
I have readed that Devil May Cry 4 is coming to x360. Then I readed that maybe FF13 is also coming to x360! On the PS3 i'm waiting FF games, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid ect. But if these games in the future isn't exclusive I don't buy PS3. But right now it seems that GT5, MGS ect are only coming to PS3. Then I readed about price cut at this year. But how this is gonna affect on the europe...?
I'm all about games... it is 100% sure that I will buy PS3, but when... I don't know. I wait what kinds of games are coming...