Greetings, one and all, to the new, totally unplanned and more-than-likely soon to be abandoned blog of your friendly neighbourhood hellraiser deluxe. Figured I'd start this off on account of needing to take my brain off the game for a moment. So what about lil' ol' me? Well, my name is Al, I'm 34 (at the time of writing), father of two toddlers, and banned from ever going anywhere near WoW by the missus. I live on the coast of Cumbria, UK, in a crappy little town called Workington. I like music (mostly metal but why limit myself to a genre?), wrestling, gaming, pottering about on MS Office, Transformers (much to my long suffering partner's chagrin), reading, occasionally writing, porn, tea, sci-fi & fantasy and comedy. So far I'm sounding like the archetypal net nerd and, well, I am. So I'm currently playing far too many games at once. At this very moment I'm playing Nier which isn't all that bad but not Square's/Square Enix's best. Driving myself barmy trying to find all the weapon materials I need on account of a stubborn refusal to just get on with it - a stubborn refusal that is waning. Also got FFXII on the go, as well as Magna Carta II, Star Ocean TLH and lots more I've lost track of. Anyway, brief intro over with, see you groovy people later! Al H, the Hairy Heathen
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