Firstly, I'd like to thank Mark - other Mark, of course, I'm not that self-obsessed :P - and Joey for such crazily cool Birthday blogs. They kicked major @ss, thanks guys!
And thanks to everyone who wished me a great day :D
After my little brother woke me up at the ungodly hour of 8am for my Birthday party, he was soo excited he couldn't wait till later - ya know, a decent time during the day. I had some cake, a spot of breakfast and then went back to bed :lol:
After opening a few cards and such I headed to Dundrum and bought some clothes and Medium season1 with the money I received. I've heard great things about that show and I remember really loving the pilot episode.
Editor - Hurrah!
Last night I became editor for...
I've been shocked by how many ppl have responded with "I've never heard of that show" :| It is so beyond funny/crazy/kooky and I'm thrilled to have nabbed it up. France wasn't convinced by it so I pasted a bit of dialogue and it made her chuckle a bit so I'll do the same here:
Prof. Monkey-For-A-Head: I remember it as if it were yesterday...
Psycrow: It WAS yesterday!
Prof. Monkey-For-A-Head: QUIET YOU! I'm setting up a flashback!
Narrator: Meanwhile, ominous things are aput on the Planet of Easily Frightened People...
Aliens: Ahh! A crow! Ahh! A rock!
Psycrow: I love this planet.
Aliens: Ahh! A bug! Ahh! Air!
Prince Caspian
Reviewed this for the paper there the other day, it hasn't gone to print but I can paste up a snippet of the review for those - if any - of you interested.
"...I found it to be a little too long and drawn out in places and there are moments that do not simply recall but scream LOTR. Still, while 'Prince Caspian' may not bring anything especially new to the fantasy-epic genre, with Tolkien and Jackson still clutching to that No.1 title, this is definitely a step up for the franchise and I hope it continues to improve with each sequel."
Welll, I best be off! Going out tonight so I am :D
Check back here 2moro for my 3 year blog, it's gonna be filled with all sorts, I tells ya. ALL SORTS.
All the best,