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I have a blog: and it's to have a blog!

Not that my life revolves around this site or anything (stop looking at me like that!) but do you ever you think to yourself in work/uni/school/phalange "Oh I'll make a blog when I go home" and then when you finally get around to writing one up you just stare at the screen and go "Meh!"?

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Haven't seen it yet cos I had to work all day today, but my friends, who wouldn't even wait a frickin day for us to see it together did, and they pretty much geekasmd so much, I had a little geeking out of my own. So I shall be seeing it on Sunday, my day off, with coooler, more reliable friends. So there. :P

My Dollhouse is Broken

I was surprised by the amount of feedback my latest review of Dollhouse received, it was pretty awesome. The feedback, I mean, not the episode, which I ranked a charitable 4.5. Thankfully, tonight's episode looks to be a vast improvement. I truly hope so.

On the Fringe of Something Interesting

So. I finally watched the pilot of Fringe. I shant say anything about what I thought, cos I shall review it after this blog. Will I be joining the awesome Fringe club? I guess you'll have to wait see. :wink:

Talk Figther: The Legend of Lana Lang

So, yeah, I managed to catch the new Street Fighter. My expectations were so low that I did manage to find moments of awesomeness, no matter how small they may have been. Kreuk did a great job, while the rest of the film stank. The fights, while energetic, are few and far between. And even though Bison has an Irish accent, despite living his entire life in Asia, one scene involving a female punching bag gave us a glimpse at the weighty and twisted film Street Fighter could have been, if it weren't for the bad acting, Chris Kelin, an awful script, lame direction, Chris Klein, pissing all over Vega, Chris Klein and two glimpses at a film I wanted to see: Chun-li doing her signature move in her almost-signature attire, and the ending!! It tickled me more than it should have!

Khan You diggit?

Mongol, let me tell you, is a breathtakingly beautiful film. For such a visceral experience, it has some stunning cinematography. It's a compelling tale with strong performances all-round, and the simplest of moments within this revenge flick are easily some of the best and most tragic. It may be a little too long, but it's certainly one of the better action epics I have seen in a long while. Highly recommended.

Insert Porn Pun Here. Then Once You're Finished, Clean Up the Mess

I enjoyed this film, which was surprisingly graphic, but not so much so that you could have a cheeky w.......anyways, if you're easily offended by the secks, this aint your film. It's fowl, it's crude, it's rude and yet, it's kinda of, dare I say it, sweet. Seth and Elizabeth really sell these unbelievable characters, and amidst all of the naked flesh, there's a romantic comedy to be found. It's not for everyone, and it's not hysterically funny, but it's certainly enjoyable. Plus I kind of Love Elizabeth Banks, so I may be somewhat Bias on this one.

Oh, and before I go, I ordered what will hopefully be the most awesomest/insanest/funniest/weirdest film I'll ever have the pleasure of watching once it arrives from the YOU ESSS OF AAAAYY.

Later, peeps :wink:

~ M@rk