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In My Plan, We Are Beltless.

Ah, (wo)man, I am in such a good mood right now! The sun is shining (kinda) and the weather is sweet (kinda), I want you to knoooow, I'm a rainbow too (huh?).

Go-Karting - I completely forgot to tell you folk about my Go-Karting last week...

It was my first time (I bet he uses that excuse often!) in a race against 10 people, but I actually came second (for once, wooooo!). For 22 euro we had this huge grand prix and we were surprised by how long the competition went on for - just under an hour. I even got a little cert saying I was 2nd, while my good mate John got a frakin Trophy (-_-)

Smallville, yes, it's true, has been renewed, along with Supernatural, for a 9th season.

I'm actually really excited about this, weirdly enough. Season 8 has been consistently better than almost every past season of the show, and from what I've read of future episodes, it only gets better. Much better. Like the story-lines sound so, so, so tantalising. And this is Smallville I am talking about! =/

So I finally got around to watching that gawd awful show Fringe...

...I'm joking, of course. I've reviewed it below, for anyone interested. For those who don't give a damn, I ranked it a solid 8 (which is more than I can say for you, WOOOOOOO!).

Battlestar Galactica is almost over...sniffles.

The penultimate episode before the 3 hour finale was fantastic - it had so many of those quiet moments that just make the show one of a kind. I'm dreading the finale, cos I know there's a war coming, and I'm dreading the thoughts of who will bite the bullet :(

Dollhouse...Oh dear.

I feel undeniably guilty for some reason, but I just can't click with this show. I really am devoted to Joss - cos I have witnessed before some of the best TV ever, and, of course, it was by the Jossman. I'm gonna stick with it, if only for the fact I don't see it lasting, and it's not so bad that I can't watch it, ya know? Eliza and Dichen don't hurt either :P

Lilly Allen, won't you marry me?

I have always enjoyed her music, mostly because it's so quirky, yet her lyrics are so disturbingly dark, brutal and honest. But her latest single Fear, she looks so hawt in the video. So what if she's a chav, she's a hot chav :lol:

Buffy Withdrawal...the pain!

I've been playing random episodes from random seasons and it's just so...why can't it be on with new episodes? WHY? Siiigh. I'll never get JD, though; he used to love the show, and is now saying that 4 episodes of Dollhouse have been better than Buffy. I think he jus says these things to piss me off!

JD's site... -

I think those who are uninitiated, should take a gander over there. You'll find some regulars over there from this once brilliant site, and it's a place where you're not censored at all (you can't even type gay on this site.) it's exceptionally designed and we have some very smexy people over there: as well as TV, films, comics, general discussions, games and so on, there's a whole section dedicated to everything naughty :wink: :twisted:

Oh, and, by the by, I got me mon hair cut. Huzzaah!

edit: well, whataa ya know, I can type gay.