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It blogs. IT BLOOOGS!

I think I've forgotten how to do one of these...lets see, eh?


So far, so good. I'm basically planning the first half of this year around my 6 week trip to Southeast Asia. It'll cost a fair amount, so I'm applying for a senior position at my job. I have a good chance of getting it, so wish me luck (should know by next week). It'll mean quite a bit more responsibility, and we all know I try to steer clear of that as often as physically possible, but it means a set number of hours each week and a steady paycheck - something that's becoming rare in this country, and a lot of others, given the recession. I'll try to update when I can about where we're hitting, it's gonna be epic!


Ah, Movies....two weeks ago was the first time I went to the cinema in over 3 months!! I'm really not living up to my username am I?

My Bloody Valentine: 3D

Uhm, I liked the sense that it was so f****** bad that I could not stop larfingmonassoff. It knew it was crap, and there was a definite sense of Grindhouse about the film, but it still wasn't worth the admission price. The 3D elements were weak at best, but the entire experience was so novel, in that everyone looked like an eejit and, for the most part, felt like one too :D


This only came out in the states, but it's on DVD over here. I think you really need to see this on DVD, cos as a cinematic experience, I don't think you'd be able to appreciate it. Liam Neeson sells this film so convincingly, not even the line "I will tear down the Eiffel tower if I have to" ruined my enjoyment (I would have verbally crucified anyone else in the role). It's fast paced with some great action scenes (it's directed by the guy who did District 13, so it's no surprise there); and it really doesn't go about wasting time. The acting is solid (with the likes of Lost's Maggie Grace, Nip/Tuck's Famke Jenson and Supernatural's Katie Cassidy helping it along) and the storyline, while wafer-thin, never fails to hold your attention. As as DVD, with popcorn, a few mates and some beers, it works. I just think as a cinematic film, it's a few punches short of matching Jason Bourne and couple of stunts behind the likes of Bond. But if you enjoy either of those kind of films, you'll surely find yourself liking this one, as it's the edgier, less flashy cousin of the bunch.

Pineapple Express...

It sucked, end of. I really wanted to enjoy this, cos I dig my stoner comedies, but this was just universally lame. I didn't laugh once =/ If you're interested in a good stoner comedy, check out Smiley Face, starring Anna Faris - it's a h00t!

Tropic Thunder...

I know, what's with all of the films that are SO last year. Well, I live on the side of the pond that takes forever for them to hit our shores. I actually enjoyed this mess of a film that's never really consistent with its gags, with a lot of them failing miserably. Jr., however, is hysterical simply because you forget it's him several times throughout and burst into laughter once you remind yourself at various intervals. Ben, well, I really don't like his comedy **** but he has a flare for directing. Jack Black gets an effin' brilliant scene where he's tied to a tree and the film tends to hit its pique when it resorts to physical comedy. So, it's good then, but it could have been Stiller, I mean stellar. Arf.


Currently Playing: Lost Odyssey. It's 4 discs of Microsoft's answer to the Final Fantasy franchise. I may not be as emotionally invested as I was with some FF's previous offerings, but then again, I'm only on the first disc. Some gorgeous cut-scenes, great monster designs, interesting characters, and a story so politically driven it's gives BSG a run for its money, make it a great game. I only hope it gets better.

Finished: Gears of War 2. Well, that was Funkin EPIC! Almost better than its predecessor in every.single.way. My only gripe is that it left a good few things unanswered...and there was no hint of a sequel.

Also Playing: Super Smash Bros (aweeesome!); Prince of Persia (cracking game!) and shall start the new LOTR game soon.


Well, I've been a very bad tvdotcommer. I'm only watching...two current shows? Wow, that's crazy. Smallville is still kicking arse, although the quality has dipped a fair bit with the last two episodes. BSG, meanwhile, is outstanding!! "The Oath" was one of the best hours of TV in AGES.

Old TV

I'm becoming so nostalgic as of late. Friends is officially the best sitcom ever made. Don't believe me? I dare you to watch season 1 and say otherwise! Season 2 and 3 are also magnificent. I'm just dreading the inevitable decline... Buffy - I need to get over this show. But I just can't. I'm almost finished re-watching season 5 and it's quite possibly a season of perfection. Sucks for you if you didn't like Glory, but I did. Season 6 is supposed to be the "dark" year, but this is way darker. Season 6 was the whiny EMO year, let's face it.


I've really gotten into a band called Owl City. They're really mellow, and the vocalist reminds me of Daft Punk. Not for everyone, but I'm in a sappy mood right now, so shaddup ;-) Hello Seattle is a great song, for anyone interested.

February - Month of the Geek

  • Street Fighter IV comes out on PS3/XBOX 360. Gawd, I've been waiting for this for frickin EVER.
  • Street Fighter comes out in the cinema! Everyone IRL I've talked to about this has cringed, but I remain hopeful. I have to. Please, please, don't be a pile of shyte. PLEASE!!
  • Dollhouse starts! Need I say any-bloody-more?!
  • We've seen Dean in My Bloody Valentine, but let's hope Sam can deliver on the goods with the remake of Friday the 13th. It was one of the first films to ever scurrr me, so I hope, at the very least, I get a kick out of it. Jason is badass!

Righty-o, that's all from me.

Sorry for being of the non existent kind, but I'm baaack. Just like the Terminator franchise! W00T!

~ M@rk