Well, Friday was an interestin' night. I attended the largest private party in Europe - The Trinity Ball. Lots of shenanigans to be had, I was pleasantly un-sober for most of it, so naturally everything was twice as good as it probably was in reality.
Before the party I went with some friends to this spiffy restaurant, with all of us in Tux's and dresses, we were very overdressed (I was in a Tux for anyone interested :wink: ). I shared a bottle of cheap-ish Chardonnay with my date and thought it was OK. I'm not a lover of wine, but compared to my previous wine-y experiences, it was pretty good.
I've mostly been working lately, which is both a good thing and a very bad one. I mean, as a part-timer, I'm working full time shifts which means quite a nice bit of money. Sometimes 200 more than my normal pay. The downside, of course, is that I'm getting mostly 3-11 shifts. I have no real day and cannot enjoy my evening/night. I'm just working. I'm going to stick with it until June and then see if I can just get normal hours (my summer trips are what seem to be motivating me to work these onerous shifts).
2moro I'm renovating my room, it desperately needs it. I'm getting rid of almost everything - desks, bed, other random desks, old wardrobe and so on. I'm buying a futon 2moro, which will serve as a chair & bed 8), and I'm getting shelving to hold my DVDs. Exciting, eh?
I've been watching a few films and such as of late, but I shant be discussing them here anymore. I've found a new outlet which I like (the formatting seems slicker). Does anyone have a blogspot account?
My one is Movie-mark.blogspot.com. I have a review up for Iron Man, which is really informal, something I'm loving that I cant really do here. I'll have reviews up for Earth (a breathtaking documentary); Hard Candy (one of my favourite films) and Fight Club.
Next blog I'll be doing an overview of Buffy season six. I enjoyed some episodes WAY more than I thought I would, and despised some generally liked episodes by the fans. It's been an interesting one to write up.
Thank you for the music suggestions :D :D