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It's only just beginning!

Well, it's official - Ireland is now in recession. I knew I had a reason for buying my DVDS in bulk these past few months, it was for this very moment. Ireland last faced the big R in the 80s and suffered quite a blow and it looks like history will repeat itself. Jobs, already, have been cut in a number of different areas, with talks of high-street shops facing the biggest blows and everyone running to their local Lidle instead of Super Quinn. It's time for everyone to buckle down it seems!

Summer Films

On a brighter note, I've been enjoying some of this summer's blockbuster treats at student prices and can't wait to catch WANTED and TEETH. Here are a few musings on some the most recent films I've seen:

The Incredible Hulk

Did they have to throw incredible in there? That's surely false advertisement! While this film is far superior to Ang Lee's adaptation, it lacks the character of HULK and that's exactly what's missing from this gamma-outing. The action, or the majority of it, is superb and the characters have their moments too, but this reboot lacks soul - it's the epitome of a dumb, popcorn flick. Not exactly what I had expected after seeing IRON MAN, a fast-paced shock to the senses that had character and s/tyle. Edward Norton plays Eric with a coolness that's almost a given with any Norton-related production, but there's something a little off. Definitely watchable, unfortunately lacking, THE INCREDIBLE HULK just doesn't deliver the goods we've come to expect from the genre, especially Marvel, when you consider the greatness of SPIDERMAN, X-2, and BATMAN BEGINS etc.

The Happening

Oh dear - my expectations were already below sea-level for this one as I personally detest most of Shyamalan's often self-indulgent work. Although I will state that he does have an impressive ability to make the most inane thing appear sinister, amping up tension like no other. Most of his films rely on a shocking finish to keep you interested, but with THE HAPPENING, the reveal is 30mins in at which point you'll probably have lost all hope anyways.

Poor in almost every way, how this ever came to be is beyond me. The entire ordeal is ludicrous, with the finisher being a set-piece that involves our band of bland folk attempting to out-run - wait for it - the wind!! Acting wise it's atrocious and the script contains some of the worst dialogue ever committed to screen. Providing plenty of belly-laughs where it's not supposed to, THE HAPPENING is the year's major stinker by far!

Doctor Who; Turn Left

This one receives top marks alone for the preview for the next episode! Talk about a fan-gasm! TURN LEFT is the fourth consecutive episode to impress this non-believer-turned-fan! Seeing shouty Donna again proved just how much the character had grown and Tate gives it her all. I'd love to give this episode 10/10, but unfortunately, a few leaps in logic and a surprisingly off-putting performance from Billie Piper cribbed this one of perfection - was it me or did she have a lisp?! - otherwise, it was a stellar piece of pure sci-fi and unusually adult in tone for this family friendly show (take the scenes suggesting concentration camps for anyone who wasn't British and the millions of people dying). And next time...Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Donna, Martha, Billie and the doc, wooot!


AAAAH! I've to interview two Canadian directors on Saturday about their new film which will be showing at an upcoming festival. I'm crazy-nervous, cos it'll be my first one and I'm hoping, if all goes well, I'll be on my way to chatting with the big celebs! Wish me luck!

~ M@rk