Grr, I had to cut my Christmas shopping short this evening cos I am still not feeling the best. I'm supposed to be going out tonight as well, but it looks like that plan is scrapped. It feels like the surgery has made things worse, if anything.
I brought my little brother for something to eat, so we went to one of his favorite places, T.G.I Fridays. The staff are always friendly there and I always enjoy the food, despite it being a complete rip-off. Actually, I kind of planted the suggestion to eat their into his head (not that it took much effort) cos I was feeling really bad and needed a sit-down. It worked out in the end for both of us ^^
Oh dear, whiter than white banner much? It's getting even worse. Who had the idea of changing the scroll down for your favourite shows? WHO?! It's insane. Those of us who have loads of shows favourited can only see a quarter of what we watch, it's gone beyond silly at this stage. Another "improvement" severely undercuts the quality of the site. :roll:
Apparently this is the new "thing" for geeks to foam over. Phwoar, check out the wiring on these gals! :P
That's it really...a pointless blog. I'm not exactly feeling the Christmas spirit, although my appetite has gone through the roof, especially when it comes to pies and the likes, stuff I wouldn't normally eat.
Shows I'm currently watching
Will finish Heroes tonight. Will also start the second season of T:SCC tonight.