OK, first off, if you've ever wanted to hear what a typical Dublin lass sounds like...now's your chance. I stumbled upon this parody of The Hills, dubbed by Irish girls as a joke. It is TOO funny. Perhaps because I'm from Dublin and know this type (not the farting type, mind): contains strong language, thick accents and unfortunately the same way the majority of girls talk over here (not my friends, though :P): Irish Hills
Been having a bit of a pissy few days, to be honest. I'm not exactly sure why, but I've just been bleh. Very bleh. Anyways, I've been having weird dreams lately. Pretty much mad dreams combining a load of different things from the day before. So I decided to experiment and so I watched The Hills Have Eyes and Superman: Doomsday last night, and wadda ya know, I had a dream that Doomsday was trying to kill me on the set of Wes Craven's horror film. It was totally bizarre and thrilling, not to mention scary - there were three kinds of Doomsday, each with their own perks (the massive hulk-like one, the small one who cuts people and the really fast one); thankfully, I didn't die ^^ So I'm hoping for a decent sequel at some point :D
It's probably one of my favourite horror films of all time. Scream is cheesy, a little too satirical and OTT for its own good, but it also manages to be really suspenseful and freaky, as well as having one of the most chilling opening sequences in cinematic history.
Scream 2
I much prefer this to the first instalment, mainly because it capitalises on everything that made the original Scream great in the first place. It's much scarier than the first film. One scene involving a car crash has you clasping for air as the two victims attempt an escape. Meanwhile, the love of my life, Sarah Michelle Gellar has an exciting death-scene and the best chase sequence, akin to Syd's chase in the first film.
Hulk VS. Wolverine
I let my little brother watch this film with me but had to ask him to leave halfway through this part of the story it is that violent. It's one of the only times I've seen Hulk and Logan go all out with the abilities given to them. Wolverine slices and dices everything and anyone in his path with bloodied results, while Hulk almost rips every character a new one (or in Lady Deathstirkes case, in half!). The plot digs into Logan's past rather effectively while Deadpool has some fantastic one-liners throughout.
Superman: Doomsday
I had high hopes for this film, which stars James Marsters and Alan Baldwin, but I gotta say I was a tad disappointed. The 10+ minute fight scene is effin fantastic, but the rest of the film sort of nose-dives from there on out. Pity, really, cos this could have been all kinds of epic. Instead, though, it's a step or two behind the two-parter from the Justice League series, which handled the death of Superman much better, imo.
The Sarah Silverman Programme
I finally caught up on season 2, part 2 and I gotta say, while it may not touch season one in terms of genuine comedy, it has some far-out plots, some extremely harsh subplots and the occasional so-funny-I-can't-breath moments. This kind of comedy tickles me oh so much because it's so childish and yet quite intelligent, too. It's equal to South Park, only live-action, me thinks. Sarah, herself, is just a treat - her facial expressions kill me and officer Jay is hilarious! My favourite episode has to be High, It's Sarah :D
Alrighty, I best be off.
Oh and I'm loving Street Fighter IV, it's frickin' hard though :x!
~ M@rk