Hey peeps,
Got a lot to cover today, so I'll keep the intro sh...
The Trip
So, with a bit of persuading, I've managed to scrap Hong Kong from our 6 week outing. It just looks like a giant city of smog. For some reason, people don't want to visit Laos, but it's like one of my major ones to visit, that and Vietnam! Looks like I have a bit more "persuading" to do. Sexual favours is what I'm referring to, just so ya know...
The Paranoia
This site is out to get me. Seriously. I can't access my preferences (OK, I managed to do that on Explorer today, but accidentally deleted my banner...:(), I can't access PMs, and where is the option to change the bliiinding whiite? Eh? Through no fault of my own, I also deleted my last blog, but I might as well blame the site for that, too :D
The Geek
OK, any blog is a given in terms of geekdom.
I was doing some DVD shopping online when I realised I really don't have the money for any of it. It put me in a bad humour cos I severely wanted to get Superman: Doomsday, Justice League: The New Frontier, and a few horror films I hadn't seen before. So I was over in Tesco, getting some actual shopping, when I passed by a deal so juicy I couldn't have passed it up even if I had left my wallet at home, it would have been mine.
Marvel Triple Pack for a 10er!
Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Avengers 2 and The Invincible Iron Man
I really enjoyed this film. I would have never ****d myself as an Avengers fan, but this has surely piqued my interest. It's funny, it's superbly animated, with stellar voice work and a meaty origin story. I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between Wasp and Giant Man, while it never occurred to me that Captain America could make for such a compelling lead. It seems to be Marvel's fail-safe to have the Hulk become the big bad of almost every Marvel feature out right now - still, the fight is quite the showdown.
At 80 mins long, this is a surprisingly character driven story that doesn't necessarily end the way you'd expect it to. The intro is almost identical to that of the recent film, with a few tweaks here and there, but the story takes off in radical directions and is entirely over-the-top. Tony Stark is a fantastic character; he has plenty of one-liners. There's quite a bit of innuendo in the film and a rather startling point-blank kill and plenty of blood shots, it's no wonder this was rated 12s.
I'll watch the sequel to UA in the moro.
The Food
I'm still adjusting to this new diet, but I actually feel all the better for it. I find that I have a lot more energy now than I did before I went on it. My mam made me a gluten free pizza when I came home from work, since I was complaining about all of the good foods being out of reach, it was delicious!
I have more to say, but I'm a little on the tired side.
Until next time.
~ M@rk