It has just occurred to me that I have completely and utterly lost my blogitus. I want it back. We bringing it back Willow sty/e We're bringing it back Justin styl/e Right. Now.
So, I was randomly messing with Photoshop the other day and did this...
I think it suits her, don't you?
The weather has been so all over the place lately I'm not sure whether to be thankful or not. I want my sun Gorammit. My hay fever is really pissing me off right now; I'm most affected when it's decidedly bleh weather out -- kinda sunny, kinda rainy, either way it's really irritating when I'm in work and I'm crying at the customers all the time, heh.
Doctah Who!
I enjoyed the second part of the Potato head two-parter much more than the first. But it still didn't click with me. It was all about too silly for my liking. Loved Martha tho.
The wasp episode wasn't much better. In fact if it wasn't for some strong acting and a few funny Donna moments I would have hated it entirely. Is this the first Doctah Who that has showed thems gays openly like that? It didn't bother me at all, just curious.
Unless you've been living under a brick, I'm sure you've noticed the Dollhouse viral campaign has begun. Joss is giving out so many nice little previews it's proving bittersweet. YAY for new show, new kick ass trailer and some onset pics and a scene or two. Boo for having to wait till next year.
Buffy blog still writing:oops:
~ Mark