Greetings fellow TVdotcommers,
I hope this blog sees you well. This blog sees me cold...very cold. I had a great Christmas, mind, in spite of the weather; I've developed an eating disorder over the past week - I just can't.stop.eating. Christmas dinner was amazing, made all the better by the fact it lasted over two days. I love it when my mam cooks for a family of 8, even though there's only four of us :D
Since I won't be here over the next week, I thought I'd blog about what I'm looking forward to in TV land in the new year. Here goes:
While we have to wait that bit longer for it, it's the big gun I cannot wait for! Yep, Dollhouse.
There have been many rumblings of the bad kind circling as of late, from fans and press alike, but I remain optimistic. The entire ensemble looks promising, we have our Joss elites on-board the writing team and promos have been amazing. I just hope fans of Joss tune in and FOX allow the show to breathe and last for more than one season!
The Good: Joss + Eliza + more Buffy/Angel affiliation than you can shake a stick at!
The Bad: Friday night death slot could box this show away quite early :(
Only ten episodes left and it's goodbye to one of the best shows ever. Excuse me a moment, I've got something in my eye...
BSG has been an amazing series that has proved that has proved sci-fi can be more than just wacky TV with things going boom. It's intense, it's political, it's thrilling and it fraking rocks my socks! There's rarely a dud and the quality is just so consistent I often pity those who never gave it a chance. Yeah, you! No, not you. You.
The Good: Erm, a-dur, it's back on TV!! After the mid season cliffhanger, and the events of season four, things have never been so up in the air.
The Bad: Hrrm, are our extremely high expectations going to set us up for disappointment? Frak no, it's BSG, it'll pull the rug from right under us once again. And again. And ag--oh you get the point. Watch this show!
I rarely watch British sci-fi. I was practically mentally broken down and forced to watch Doctor Who by various people on this site. Thankfully, it got better and better. Now, though, a new series has caught my eye:
What I appreciate about Demons is how original it looks. The premise - a descendant of Van Helsing - sounds a bit whiffy, but promo shots and various pre-buzz reviews have really got my interest piqued. I just hope it can deliver a darker tone than the profusion of British sci-fi so adamant on staying on the right side of family viewing...
The Good: The production values seem to be top ****- I'm really diggin the hyena demons. Very cool!
The Bad: This could go either way. Do ITV have the balls to really utilize its Gothic London underground premise. I hope so...
Eight years...eight years...can we just ignore seasons six and seven and pretend we're only on the 6th?! Cos, yep, I'm saying it again, Smallville has all of a sudden clicked, and I'd like to see more seasons...
There's not long to wait until season 8 returns, and from what I've seen of the new preview, the season is continuing with strong story-lines, tons of DC lore brought in to mix things up and the ongoing arc continues! Of course, it's still candyfloss viewing, but it's structured now; every character has a drive and we're getting really close to the mythos we all know of. It's saying something when Season 8 of Smallville has hands down trampled all over Heroes 3rd and rather shallow season.
The Good: More of everything from the season so far seems to be what's in store - Doomsday, Lex, Clark accepting his destiny once and for all. Hurrah!
The Bad: It has happened in the past - the show has had a run of great episodes only to drop the ball and **** it all up. It could so easily happen...
Ah, season one, you seem like such a distant memory of a better time. Eugh season two, you were the root canal of TV. And season three, you were the child I dropped on the head...poor thing...can't even string a decent plot together.
Bryan Fuller. I am sorry for the loss of Pushing Daisies, but you have to man up and bring this show around! To be fair, it's sounding fairly good, with everyone having lives again, as one of season three's breaking points had to be the fact none of these people had jobs/interests to keep them occupied between annoying plot developments. They just fought each other every week. Cool action scenes don't make a good super-hero show, gorramit!
The Good: It looks like we'll start to care about these people again. I hope they can find a balance - ah, season one!
The Bad: I have a feeling we may have to wait till s4 to fully see Bryan's input take effect. I hope I'm wrong.
Will you be watching any of these shows? Are there any sci-fi shows I should watch?
~ M@rk