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who watches the irishamrnb? IRUSHM,EN. IRISHMEN. OH FFS!

Hyef folks, it's past 6am in the morning, and I'm back from a work-related party -- we trashed our bosses apartment, BIG TIME. It was such a good night. It was messy, but it eas fun. A lot of fun.

I haven't bloggrd with a few (ahem) drinks on me in ages, so why not, eh?

Ok: New episode of Dllhouse was deadly, but why are so many ppl hating on my review, **** them! HA!

Watchmen was goo and BAND, it like had some amazing moments, but alos some majorly crap bits. Ah well. Also, it was so mother trucking long. eugh.

I'm really enjoying Fringe. Yeah...

I'm working in a few different pbranches within work right now, and it's a bad mad -my hours got cut loads so I have to work all over, Im the whore of my job. In a non sexual, hours-opnly kind of way.

Auntie and a few others (who i LOVE!) are well used to these kind of blogs (haha) but I am sorry for anyone new,\ i'm irish :P

Good morning all! I did nothing for paddies, so this was me making up for it! :D