So I now have a channel where I do Game Review on Youtube:
As well as vlogs on another channel! I'd love if you checked them out! :D
So I now have a channel where I do Game Review on Youtube:
As well as vlogs on another channel! I'd love if you checked them out! :D
I end up watching ALL of each press conference... and I don't even get an emblem, this is just like last year, I watched Microsoft and Nintendo throughout and only popped into Sony at the end, and only got the sony one... do I have to submit a comment whilst it was playing to get the emblem?
Okay, for the Zero People that read this! I have moved my blog.... why? There are no word ristrictions and people can RSS feed it AND people can comment on it without signing up... I also think there is a bigger chance of other people seeing it.... I dunno....
Hope everyone that reads this (so no one?) will be able to come join me HERE!
Well, here we are again, my friend has threatened to take my genticles if I don't write a blog by midnight tonight... so I decided to get it in 2.5 hours early... just to be safe... nearly been a month since I did my last proper blog post. So, what has happened you ask? No? Too bad, I heard someone ask it.... Anywho, I had that long period of absence due to my laptop crapping out on me... during that time I also got the rest of my braces put on so I was in pain a lot, I have spent a lot of time watching Anime (mostly Bleach and a few bits of Death Note), I spent like 3 maybe 2 afternoons writing the first chapter of what I would hope to be a published book, (fat chance, I'm 15, not exactly rich and I live in Suff- the middle of no where... towards the south east....). From the one piece of feedback I have learnt 2 things:
1) I suck when it comes to grammar. I don't know when commas are meant to appear... I just come up with the ideas...
2) It is fairly good.
I don't know whether to put it up more on the Internets... due to the fear of someone stealing it and making money off of it.... and then me not finding out and not being able to sue.... :( So... I will see.... I am still waiting for my one feedback guy to finish marking it >.> HINT HINT! As well as a lot of other stuff from him... BIGGER HINTS!!!!!!!!!! BEN!
Anywho... gaming wise, seeing as that is what the majority of the people who read this do... Final Fantasy X-2... it is okay... but unfortunately It is a game that you pretty much HAVE to play with a walkthrough or you will get like a 20% clear rate.... It is a game pretty much entirely made from side quests... I mean sure you can check each place each chapter BUT what to do their exactly and how to get everything done properly is another thing.... Another problem is that I am full clearing most of the "Dress Spheres" too quickly. Way before I can get any other jobs... Yuna has managed to Master her white magery and also shooting people as a Gunner... I decided to have her as an Alchemist (who wield guns that look like Machine guns but only fire one shot) just because the thought of having a Dancer wasn't amusing and everyone else was already the other jobs. Rikku, hasn't quite yet Mastered Thief but then, all she will get is something not very good... so I just use her to steal from bosses then switch to her Blue mage... I mean Gun mage.... Which once she learned the Blue magic "Absorb" was just easy skill getting for her... I mean if she absorbs each turn, she does about 100 damage and heals herself. This also gives her 1 AP each time. So if she can get about 2 of them on a monster (attacks from other people ruin it) and then there are like 3 monsters, that is 6 and if you get 1 AP for the entire party after each monster kill that is 9. So she gets like 9 AP per battle so that is nearly finished... Pain or Payne or Gothic chick, I was getting her as a Warrior up... but she hardly ever got ANY AP only really the stuff from the monster kills cause her other attacks aren't that good... So I got her to learn Black Magery which only goes up to Waterga and no Flare of Meteor or Comet... so she has nearly finished that.... which means she is going to have to go back to sword person.... I think those are pretty much all my dress spheres apart from dancer... and their special ones which i only really use in big battles...
Pokemon... I played a bit and got a few more. I now have enough evees to get all their evolve forms... and then some.... and not much else has happened...
MapleStory... my guild has become inactive so the GPQs every Saturday have just become a few people (Bethany, Ren and I) who sit there for about an hour talking then give up... the forum is still fairly active... I have managed to get my Page, Cleric, Bandit up a few levels... the first two are more like Page/Cleric to be... for they have yet to reach level 30.... But when the Pirate job comes out (woo Pirate) I will get 2 more characters, aptly named Gunzillo for the gunner and Fistzillo (?) for the infighter who uses fists.... Other than that not much has happened....
My brother and I played some Halo 3 recently. We did a bit of story on Legendary and have 2 more levels to go. We also played a bit of Online so if you saw Alcapwn_UK and Alcapwn_UK (1) on like Friday and maybe Sunday then that was my brother and I... it might have been Thursday and Sunday... not sure....
I drew a few more pictures... I got 2 of them coloured by hand and then none of them computer coloured... I effectively have about... 5 pictures to do... and seeing as recently my pictures take me a bit of time. and tears, to get computer coloured in this will take me YEARS to do.
Starting Friday... or next Monday I shall attempt to go a whole week without a single bit of sleep because I have no school that time and I have nothing better to do... who knows I might get another chapter of my story done and all my pictures done.... and maybe even my maple story main to level 70.... and maybe still... I may just completely wipe my self out and come back to school with deep bags under my eyes and looking a lot like V from Order of the Stick.... (as he has been recently).
I can't think of what else to put... so.... poop
Who knows I might write another 1 on Sunday... and then I will say to myself to do a blog each day of the no sleep week... but it wont happen.... like that time with my work experience... I said i would do one for every day and then didn't do one for like 2 weeks....
Well... I know I haven't posted much like at all... I appologize... I have just been caught up in stuff... Also Thursday my laptop broke and I have only just gotten it back.... Just something quick. I have a new banner made by Krystallyn (?) aka MrsNintendo... I shall have a bigger post come Sunday... I hope... but chances are I will procrastinate it off...
Well time to do some homework... or not....
Well, Thursday morning I was ill... AND had to go get braces. Was a barrel of fun... My Dutch Orthodontist only put on the brackets (?) but not the wire... that is NEXT Thursday.... Unfortunately I STILL had to go to school.... The good... *cough* bad *cough* thing is, I ALREADY BROKE THEM! Yes, eating crumpets this morning... I was chewing a bit at the back... and one of the bits came loose... SO.... My dutch "friend" is not going to be happy... I have also found out that they are magnetic.... so that is gonna suck majorly.... And my mouth wash tastes like crap, I'm just glad that the cherry stuff is nearly gone... Well... eating also is near impossible all my nice food (which has some form of bite to it) I can no longer eat without fear, AND there is hardly anything to drink... I mean I would normally have some fizzy drink (yes bad... BOO HOO) or blackcurrant squash mixed with Lemonade.... but I can no longer do that... for I cannot have ANY form of fizzy drink.... for about a year and a half.....
Onward to gaming.... My guild did another 2 GPQs which were better than last weeks but still... also our leader, Rob (solent) only an hour late which got every happy apart from me cause I am that sort of person.......
I started a Maple rip-off called LaTale, It is fairly good really. I understand most of it and also it is fairly basic... I would recommend it then trying to find Mozillo on the only server there is....
It would also appear that my small lump of magnets above my head make everything on it magnetic.... which is fun... so I now have a Magnetic clip thing to hold papers together, A magnetic pencil sharpener, a Magnetic pencil sharpener BLADE and I did have some magnetic scissors.... but I dropped them....
Well, I have some homework in for last Friday/Thursday to do AND bathe.... So i am cutting this somewhat sort....
Well I was going to comment on how my entire music library is being mean and not working... unfortunately... It just started working so now I can listen to some Serj Tankian. The title is just basically because I can't find Lemon Demon's new (since about the 1st of August) album View Monster... By can't find I mean find a download of... I mean Lime wire is being mean and only has viruses.... and I can't find a single torrent for it on the Internet.... I really want to listen to it... but Alas I cannot because I would have to ship from over seas which just causes confusion and what not...
This morning my MP3 went a bit weird and froze so I had to wait for it to freeze so I had nothing to listen to on the way back from school... School has been fine ish.... Drama teacher decided to b*tch and moan at us today but.... she isn't exactly intelligent... when she wrote "you need need to write about two still still images" and also "you will need to talk about how you performed the piece" when we ACTUALLY had to write about ANOTHER groups work... she isn't very good.... Apart from that... it has been good.
I am trying to keep this one short for I realised that I go into FAR too much detail for anything and a lot of people see it and fo "tl;dr" which is silly.... Nothing is too long to read........ well maybe the bible....
Onward to gaming, first off, Maple story. The recent event on Maple story has meant that I have been getting more experience so I might FINALLY go past level 66 which I have been at since about February or January. It started on Thursday and I have gone from 20% to 78% ish... which is good really I might make 70 by 2012 at this rate xD. Also we did our weekly guild party quest... It did not go well to say the least... this is because well we didn't even have 5 people to begin with (you need 6 to start it) then we ended up getting a bunch of random people and their friends and friends of friends.... All of which were annoying as the never ending hum... There was one who wouldn't stop telling people what to do e.g. "now jump and press z to pick it up" in which I think everyone knew.... and "now click the statue to talk to it" I hadn't guessed... There was another who just wouldn't stop talking when we needed him to shut up... so the first section took us about an hour... with several retries... I wouldn't have been able to make the evening if it weren't for a friend who I was just privately talking to and making comments with ^^.
A lot on maple story wow.... Well now I shall go on to Final Fantasy... number X to begin with.... I would like to say I finished it... in wow I killed sin and made him EXPLODE! However, I did not quite finish it... I got to the last bit in which I have to go through this bit where everything has high armour and hp and no save points... I got quite far into it and stuff then I came across a King Behemoth... I thought it would be easy like the rest... No. I was horribly wrong... turns out it has a move which kills one person through high damage (and un-dodge able) which it used 3 turns in a row... and then normal attacked the healed person on 600 hp... When I died I got royally peeved so I threw down the controller told my self "I finished for I beat Sin the big death whale of the sky" So I went to go play the next game on the list.... X-2. Oh em gee... The start up... shocking.... the general feel of it is "disasterrific" Sure the game could be quite good if it wasn't so... girly and peppy and GRRR! Also fairly easy... If anything you just keep using attack and the opponents fall.... (or trigger happy) I am hoping it will get good soon enough OR be a very short game so I can move onto Shadow of The Colossus.
I have began to fall behind on my Gamespot updates like looking at new screens and reading stuff about them and watching new movies... So when this maple event is over... I will spend like an afternoon going through it all... this event is just too good to pass up...
This one was only ONE day late I'm getting better....
As the name suggests the previous week has been the first week of the new School year... I am sooo happy (Sarcasm). The General week didn't start well for I went to the doctors and found out I have toes that bleed (as if I hadn't noticed) so I was given AntiBiotics to take 4 times a day... for 7 days.... bleh.... It didn't help that I can't really swallow pills... at all.... I will need to chew most things that go in my mouth (including yogurt (slightly)) which means I had to go through an unbearable taste... all week.... As well as my eye drops... I am so ill... But yeah... the infection cleared up in one toe but I kinda stopped taking them for the last 2-3 days because I just go sick of them so I put them down the sink each time.... And so the infection has kinda returned on one toe. So yeah that is fun...
Back to school I would think... Well it was OK at the beginning. We had some big wait whilst we were being given all our stuff (log book and calender and stuff). We got given some other book thing which I don't know what sort of use it has... talks about safe sex and racial equality and what not.... But yeah I got bored in the wait and decided to rip it in half.... I managed to get through most the spine but the last bit took a bit of push... then after I got through the rest... my friends and I decided to try and sellotape it back together.... Unfortunately my form tutor saw and kinda moaned at me... Oh well.... The rest of the week was fairly normal school wise apart from a few lessons.... One being art, now some of you (like 2 out of 3 of you) may know that I like to draw pictures and stuff... BUT My art teacher spent the first 25 minutes of the lesson showing that boys appearently suck at Art when she kept on going "Everyone in my group got a pass EVEN the boys" which was annoying... Then she decided to come over and start erasing some old work and redrawing it! I mean the thing she brought out had 2 flaws... 1) It wasn't the same jug I was drawing (so I had to get rid of things that were correct) and 2) It was at a completely different angle AND time of day so there was different lighting... I mean I'm no genius but I swear that is just making things for her to complain about.... OH I got some of my test results back: Statistics was a B (yay), Science unit 1 I got a B (dang) science unit 2 I got an A (woo) Biology (different to the past two entirely) I got an A* (freaking yeah) Chemistry I got an A and Physics I got a B... which was good.... I forgot to show my mum the results but she will get over it... But yeah apart from French the rest of the week wasn't that bad... EVEN P.E. Which I had this morning wasn't that bad... I mean I didn't freeze and I shocked myself in how I could even DO 10 push ups....
On to what I know best (no not science (as if)) gaming. Over the weekend I played my weekly Final Fantasy 10 bit... Unfortunately... I have gotten to the final boss bit... but I need to get a few more summons AND need to get some people a few more things...Unfortunately I have ages to go on the sphere grid.... AND To get the summons I need: A) some Money, which I nearly have enough for and B) having to go back to the stupid temples (and FIND them) so I can get some items I missed... What is annoying is the random monster attack rate... I mean there are so many but when I am in the lower areas the AP I get is minimal... So I am hoping that next weekend I will be able to get Anima and Yoshimitsu or something like that... then possibly the Magus Sisters and then hopefully take on Sin and beat him... and If I skip the Magus Sisters I can try and start FF X - 2! So it is a busy schedule... Final Fantasy 4 has gotten hard suddenly... I mean, I got to the moon and found the old man their (who sucks slightly) and then I am trying to do this optional part... but the monsters there do about 1k damage per monster I mean they are quick off the gun as well so they ALL cast Blizzaga or something pretty much killing all my magic people or even everyone but Cecil who has to try and heal Rosa and get her to heal them both and bring back everyone else BEFORE the monsters attack again... It sucks.... Then there is Maple Story... My guild has started doing Guild Quests again which I sit and do nothing all the time (which is fine by me really) and I slightly got back into it.
On other news... I am meant to be doing some homework... But none of that has been done yet... I have already failed to do homework on the day it is set..... Well I am gonna go download more FMA see you Sunday possibly the next one who knows....
PS Something I remembered and can't be bothered to fit in... my Bath on Monday was like bathing in lava... then ICE when I took some hot out and put cold in then LAVA again when I let too much water out (about half) and filled the rest with HOT... it was fun...
Well It is a little late I know... But this is just going to be an end of summer holiday (and all of summer) thing. This weeks will come on Sunday (i hope).
Anywho... I made a plan that was slightly fool proof... This plan was so I could get all my art coursework finished in time... Unfortunately I forgot the plan involved me so that equaled instant fail... This plan consisted of doing one piece of my coursework A DAY. Not too hard now was it? Unfortunately it was... I had several distractions to help me. These included, Shaman King, Full Metal Alchemist, Gaming and TV. So my plan never got off the ground... I really only got it started on.... Saturday afternoon... and i made the plan to start on Wednesday... I managed to get... 3 of my pictures done... then I drew them at some point and the rest happened the next week.
During the week, many a thing happened, I got a needle jabbed into my arm for some tetanus booster.... I went into town to go do my school shopping... Not a lot really happened that day, I just watched in how a lot of people were getting stuff and I only got one pair of trousers (the only pair i know have that fit) for school which are too long for me anyway... It was generally a boring day... I also went to the cinema... I didn't see Batman... And I probably wont until Half-term. However, I saw something much better, I saw Wall-E. By now a lot (what is a lot out of about 3 people) will be wondering what I am inhaling... but no... Wall-E is a great film and the short it had at the beginning was freaking awesome. Wall-E (according to my brother) (and a lot of movie critic websites) say that Wall-E is better than Batman and it is just such a good film... there is even a part which just pulls on your heart strings... and that is coming from an emotionally crippled boy... After Wall-E we had Ice-cream... it was big ice-cream. I highly recommend you go see Wall-E.
On Friday as well... my Grandparents came.... yay.... whoo-de-doo.... They took my sister and I to the park... I do like going there just to see the looks of pure horror on the parents faces... The reason you get this horror is because there is this tire swing thing... It is basically a wire with a seat hanging down from the wire... You then sit on the seat and the wire (on a slight downward slope) and go down the wire and at the end there is a stopper so you go in the air slightly... doesn't sound too scary really. However, I add my own twist to it.... My way is too grab the chain in which the seat dangles from RUN down the little runway and then just before the top hits the stopper I jump on (I usually land as it is going up) and then I go high in the air, high enough to grab the wire (haven't done that yet in fear) And high enough so that the chain buckles... which means the chain goes at a 90 degree angle from its normal hanging down state... It is just fun as I take the thing back and handing it over to the next person and just seeing the look of fear on their face, and then just standing in line as if nothing happened... Such fun...
Also, Shaman King. I spent a fair bit of time watching some Shaman King and seeing the full series... It should really have a second series even if it is obvious that Yoh would win seeing as he pretty much BECAME Shaman King when fighting Zeke (sorry for any future spoilers). As well as Shaman King I have been watching Full Metal Alchemist. I have become quite attached to FMA. It is a great series which I have finally finished I just have the film. I like the series very much and it just leads to me getting lost in my imagination again... I highly recommend both.
At the beginning of the 6 week summer holiday I posted a to do list... not that it is over here is how it went (bold means done) :
I didn't get much doe did I? I think you are wondering about the birthday thing... but It wasn't and it never is... and yeah, the rest is because I fail...
The reason this is the best day ever (even though it was apparently on the 21st but not in England) is that on today/yesterdays On The Spot I was watching it as usual but this time it was live. I decided to ask a few questions thinking that not a single one would get read out because there must be a lot of people who enter questions. To my shock and near heart explosion whilst they were talking about Star Wars the Force Unleashed my question was read out. I nearly died when I heard "Chris Smedley from Some City" being read out. Well even though where I live is hardly a city let alone a village but anywhere to keep the where-abouts of my secret HQ. I mean there aren't many Smedleys in England... and only one in the regional phone book. Anywho Viva Pinata 2 came up. I asked another question. Nearly instantly after I asked it it was read out by Kirsten AGAIN at that point I stopped breathing for a few seconds... I watched some Rock Band 2 and then they were onto Castle Crashers. I asked another question just because it was something I wanted to know as with all the others it was read out AGAIN by Ryan. At this point I metaphorically pooped myself with excitement. I asked another question in the same bit just because something suddenly popped to mind. Yet alas as I thought would happen with all of them, nothing happened. A lot of people are probably thinking I must be fairly sad thinking this is a big deal. However, THIS IS A BIG DEAL FOR ME. It is one of the biggest achievements in my young life (yes it is quite bad) I mean I would've been happy with just the one question being read out but 3!
Anyway, moving on from that slight manic session, as it may be obvious, I have returned from the wonderful land known as Florida. Florida was a very fun 2 weeks. On this trip a lot happened. There was the first plane trip in which my screen broke so I got something which went on my lap (when they were ALSO giving me food) and it was very hot. Then I was pack mule using my tiny body to carry most of the bags one actual luggage bag on my shoulder, my hand luggage on my shoulders, my mums hand luggage on my shoulders AND pulling along the biggest suit case with wheels... I mean in the boiling hot sun... that sort of thing IS NOT FUN. There was Pizza that night. The next day I had a dip in the "pool" (more of a puddle) but also we went to Wet 'n' Wild which was quite good then... I had more Pizza... The next day it was my Birthday (yay (15 at last)) and to "Celebrate" (I joke there is no celebration EVER!) we went to Sea World (as if we weren't going to go there anyway) and we went on the Kraken twice and the Journey to Atlantis once because the line was very long... We watched a few shows and then saw the weird cult thing Shamu has... Then we went to a Steak house (yay... steak). There we learnt that Amercia thinks that nothing can have too much cheese... like chicken.... My dad had some "Chicken Parmasan" and it turns out it was a chicken covered in bread crumbs then tomato puree I think AND THEN CHEESE. I mean it was just a pizza with a chicken base... Then we went to Cocoa beach the next day. After walking along the pier and seeing there was nothing to eat we went to some kind of food place... I asked for the Nachos... and to my shock... it was stuff that came from a tube... and any Nachos that touched it... would turn soggy and die... some were even red and black... after that we had the brisk walk to the biggest Surf shop in America/the World! Ron Jon's Surf shop. I admit... it was pretty big... as was the clothing... there were hardly any pieces of clothing in Small OR size 30/28 waist... I haven't a clue where we went to eat... The next day was Universal and we went on the Mummy ride twice and the horror effects things was entertaining. Overall it was all good. Unfortuantly that day and the day after were 95 and 93 F which was pretty hot compared to English Climate... so having a pretzel and my mum going "no we don't need drinks". Well i am rambling on too much sooo... Islands of adventure, got wet went on a lot of coasters no idea where i ate. Daytona beach, went in the sea got sand everywhere. Busch gardens, awesome coasters (Sheika (90 degree drop ON a roller coaster not a drop tower)) cool animals... White tigers a bit out of place in a JUNGLE area (?). "Highest land point in Penninsula Florida" very boring, scary old people, full of bugs eating my legs... then rain. Wet 'n' wild again, finished everything had fun... pool brother tried to kill me, forced me underwater can't swim... Aquatica, very hot, not much cover from the sun, went on the same ride 5 times and another twice, pissed off at my brother walked VERY quickly from one side of the car park TO THE OTHER, General shopping, Universal AND Islands of adventure in one day finished off everything, Sea world after dark more Shamu crazy air guitar guy on big screen to Queen. Airport...
On this trip I got some Maple story trading cards XD.
I also forced myself to have 8 hours sleep in 5 days which really killed me on the inside I could hardly stay awake until after lunch because I was still in Florida time. I did go to sleep eventually though and woke up at 2pm the next day...
Onto Gaming me thinks. On Holiday I managed to finish off Phantom hourglass AND buy FF 4 remake which is cool because it was half price to what it will be in England AND it hasn't even came out yet in England so that is good. I have gotten to riding a whale so I fear I have played WAY too much so I am going to start playing more Heroes of Mana and even pokemon....
Well off to the Dentist until next time... (which who knows when it is)
NOTE: Great my ABC check is broken and I also have to write Tags for this...
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