As the name suggests the previous week has been the first week of the new School year... I am sooo happy (Sarcasm). The General week didn't start well for I went to the doctors and found out I have toes that bleed (as if I hadn't noticed) so I was given AntiBiotics to take 4 times a day... for 7 days.... bleh.... It didn't help that I can't really swallow pills... at all.... I will need to chew most things that go in my mouth (including yogurt (slightly)) which means I had to go through an unbearable taste... all week.... As well as my eye drops... I am so ill... But yeah... the infection cleared up in one toe but I kinda stopped taking them for the last 2-3 days because I just go sick of them so I put them down the sink each time.... And so the infection has kinda returned on one toe. So yeah that is fun...
Back to school I would think... Well it was OK at the beginning. We had some big wait whilst we were being given all our stuff (log book and calender and stuff). We got given some other book thing which I don't know what sort of use it has... talks about safe sex and racial equality and what not.... But yeah I got bored in the wait and decided to rip it in half.... I managed to get through most the spine but the last bit took a bit of push... then after I got through the rest... my friends and I decided to try and sellotape it back together.... Unfortunately my form tutor saw and kinda moaned at me... Oh well.... The rest of the week was fairly normal school wise apart from a few lessons.... One being art, now some of you (like 2 out of 3 of you) may know that I like to draw pictures and stuff... BUT My art teacher spent the first 25 minutes of the lesson showing that boys appearently suck at Art when she kept on going "Everyone in my group got a pass EVEN the boys" which was annoying... Then she decided to come over and start erasing some old work and redrawing it! I mean the thing she brought out had 2 flaws... 1) It wasn't the same jug I was drawing (so I had to get rid of things that were correct) and 2) It was at a completely different angle AND time of day so there was different lighting... I mean I'm no genius but I swear that is just making things for her to complain about.... OH I got some of my test results back: Statistics was a B (yay), Science unit 1 I got a B (dang) science unit 2 I got an A (woo) Biology (different to the past two entirely) I got an A* (freaking yeah) Chemistry I got an A and Physics I got a B... which was good.... I forgot to show my mum the results but she will get over it... But yeah apart from French the rest of the week wasn't that bad... EVEN P.E. Which I had this morning wasn't that bad... I mean I didn't freeze and I shocked myself in how I could even DO 10 push ups....
On to what I know best (no not science (as if)) gaming. Over the weekend I played my weekly Final Fantasy 10 bit... Unfortunately... I have gotten to the final boss bit... but I need to get a few more summons AND need to get some people a few more things...Unfortunately I have ages to go on the sphere grid.... AND To get the summons I need: A) some Money, which I nearly have enough for and B) having to go back to the stupid temples (and FIND them) so I can get some items I missed... What is annoying is the random monster attack rate... I mean there are so many but when I am in the lower areas the AP I get is minimal... So I am hoping that next weekend I will be able to get Anima and Yoshimitsu or something like that... then possibly the Magus Sisters and then hopefully take on Sin and beat him... and If I skip the Magus Sisters I can try and start FF X - 2! So it is a busy schedule... Final Fantasy 4 has gotten hard suddenly... I mean, I got to the moon and found the old man their (who sucks slightly) and then I am trying to do this optional part... but the monsters there do about 1k damage per monster I mean they are quick off the gun as well so they ALL cast Blizzaga or something pretty much killing all my magic people or even everyone but Cecil who has to try and heal Rosa and get her to heal them both and bring back everyone else BEFORE the monsters attack again... It sucks.... Then there is Maple Story... My guild has started doing Guild Quests again which I sit and do nothing all the time (which is fine by me really) and I slightly got back into it.
On other news... I am meant to be doing some homework... But none of that has been done yet... I have already failed to do homework on the day it is set..... Well I am gonna go download more FMA see you Sunday possibly the next one who knows....
PS Something I remembered and can't be bothered to fit in... my Bath on Monday was like bathing in lava... then ICE when I took some hot out and put cold in then LAVA again when I let too much water out (about half) and filled the rest with HOT... it was fun...