Well I was going to comment on how my entire music library is being mean and not working... unfortunately... It just started working so now I can listen to some Serj Tankian. The title is just basically because I can't find Lemon Demon's new (since about the 1st of August) album View Monster... By can't find I mean find a download of... I mean Lime wire is being mean and only has viruses.... and I can't find a single torrent for it on the Internet.... I really want to listen to it... but Alas I cannot because I would have to ship from over seas which just causes confusion and what not...
This morning my MP3 went a bit weird and froze so I had to wait for it to freeze so I had nothing to listen to on the way back from school... School has been fine ish.... Drama teacher decided to b*tch and moan at us today but.... she isn't exactly intelligent... when she wrote "you need need to write about two still still images" and also "you will need to talk about how you performed the piece" when we ACTUALLY had to write about ANOTHER groups work... she isn't very good.... Apart from that... it has been good.
I am trying to keep this one short for I realised that I go into FAR too much detail for anything and a lot of people see it and fo "tl;dr" which is silly.... Nothing is too long to read........ well maybe the bible....
Onward to gaming, first off, Maple story. The recent event on Maple story has meant that I have been getting more experience so I might FINALLY go past level 66 which I have been at since about February or January. It started on Thursday and I have gone from 20% to 78% ish... which is good really I might make 70 by 2012 at this rate xD. Also we did our weekly guild party quest... It did not go well to say the least... this is because well we didn't even have 5 people to begin with (you need 6 to start it) then we ended up getting a bunch of random people and their friends and friends of friends.... All of which were annoying as the never ending hum... There was one who wouldn't stop telling people what to do e.g. "now jump and press z to pick it up" in which I think everyone knew.... and "now click the statue to talk to it" I hadn't guessed... There was another who just wouldn't stop talking when we needed him to shut up... so the first section took us about an hour... with several retries... I wouldn't have been able to make the evening if it weren't for a friend who I was just privately talking to and making comments with ^^.
A lot on maple story wow.... Well now I shall go on to Final Fantasy... number X to begin with.... I would like to say I finished it... in wow I killed sin and made him EXPLODE! However, I did not quite finish it... I got to the last bit in which I have to go through this bit where everything has high armour and hp and no save points... I got quite far into it and stuff then I came across a King Behemoth... I thought it would be easy like the rest... No. I was horribly wrong... turns out it has a move which kills one person through high damage (and un-dodge able) which it used 3 turns in a row... and then normal attacked the healed person on 600 hp... When I died I got royally peeved so I threw down the controller told my self "I finished for I beat Sin the big death whale of the sky" So I went to go play the next game on the list.... X-2. Oh em gee... The start up... shocking.... the general feel of it is "disasterrific" Sure the game could be quite good if it wasn't so... girly and peppy and GRRR! Also fairly easy... If anything you just keep using attack and the opponents fall.... (or trigger happy) I am hoping it will get good soon enough OR be a very short game so I can move onto Shadow of The Colossus.
I have began to fall behind on my Gamespot updates like looking at new screens and reading stuff about them and watching new movies... So when this maple event is over... I will spend like an afternoon going through it all... this event is just too good to pass up...
This one was only ONE day late I'm getting better....