Cafe Anyone?
by Mr-Espresso on Comments
So today i have decided to do my first ever blog here on Gamespot, so I think its is only fair that I warn you now that this won't be anything ground breaking and more than likely won't be the best Blog you have read all day but I'm going to spew some opinion from every orifice. Now to get to the topic in hand, if you are like me and keep a fairly close ear and eye on the Gaming Industry then you will of heard about Nintendo's next generation console that has been announced for next year. And in traditional fan boy fashion I am jumping up and down like a little child at the thought of Nintendo breaking into the now must have world of High Definition and catering for the more "Hardcore" Gamer (A category I would like to say I fit in). BUT and yes I think you know there was going to be a but in this, I will be like many other gamers be keeping a open mind when it comes to Nintendo Next-Gen system and not fall into the trap of believing everything that is being said. Now for those of you that have not heard about what Project Cafe is boasting here is a few examples just to show what has been rumoured that this new console will sport.- More power than the PS3 and 360 - Up to 1080P of Resolution - Custom built CPU and top line GPU - Touch tablet Controller (Described as a iPad with buttons) - Six-Axis in the Controller - Ability to stream games onto the controllerNow that is some impressive gear right there, and of course the key word in all that is "Rumoured" but if Nintendo was to pull of everything in that list and do it successfully, I could see Project Cafe (Or Wii2 if you want) being one of the most impressive and yet again ground breaking consoles on the market. So the big question is in all this, "Should you believe the hype?" as a person who has played NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, Gameboy and Nintendo DS i personally hope to high hell that everything that I listed is true, but can Nintendo break out of its family friendly phase that it is currently in and really cater for the "Hardcore" gamers out there that want to play a Nintendo console that is so powerful in every way that it hurts to play? Well as a person who has always supported Nintendo I think they have the money and experience to do it, but will I be in shock and awe if this console doesn't live up to the hype? Well not really as I expected a whole lot more from Nintendo's current home console the Wii, which I personally believe has not been given a fair shake and has really been snubbed by 3rd Part developers but that is for a different Blog.So guys that's my first real Blog, sorry it couldn't be a bit longer time was not on my side with this one and if you're not impressed you can never say that I didn't warn you. I will sometime in future be casting my net of opinion out on a few other topics at a later date so make sure that you check back even if you loved or hated (or somewhere in between) this Blog and I will be sure to fill you mind with bad grammar and lame jokes.