Alright, it finally happened, my NES has fizzed out, sorrow. Now along with my SNES my NES takes a wonderful spot on my Game Collection Shelf, next to all of my NES games ( which also are pretty old ). I faced the facts and realized I would never play NES again, so instead of going out and purchasing another I went with the Wii's Virtual Console. I downloaded 4000 points worth of games including... Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, The Legend of Zelda, Kid Icarus, Metroid, and Balloon Fight for NES and Super Mario World for SNES ( I lie, I had 400 points to spare ). But I saw that Mega Man 1 or 2 were avalible, no Kirby Super Star at all, and then I heard about memory problems. So I thought, no problem I'll back my VC games into my 8 Gig SD Card. My friend said that I wouldn't back up VC channels, but it seemed to, so can I use my SD to back up my VC games?
So today I created a new kind of game Tournament, Game Feast. For more info on it you can view my blog to see my Game Feast that I will be recording onto youtube for everyone to see, tell me if you think this is clever.
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