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Mr357Magnum Blog

No more save points

The games of this current generation are all capable of a save-anywhere-anytime-feature (as seen in "The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion" and "Bioshock") due to the advanced hardware built on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, (don't think I left out Nintendo's unprivileged and under powered Wii by accident) but are not utilizing that much needed feature. Instead, most games are slapped with a save point feature that has you playing the game for a long period of time until you get the chance to save. Games like Dead Rising and Crackdown ( to name a few) had you running around trying to complete a difficult mission without the leisure of being able to save on command. It's not like either of those games were difficult to complete, but it was an inconvenience to fail a mission and restart at a distant save point when I could have just saved at a point prior to my mistake and begin my game from there. There were times when I would have to discontinue a game after making progress beyond a save point and lose all that progression because of an unexpected power surge or an unwilling discontinuation (forced off). Those occasions were irritating to say the least. Some games offer a checkpoint system that decide when the game should be saved and how often the game should be saved. I don't know about know about you but I like to be in full control of a game I'm playing. Gamers should decide when and where to save, not the game.

Superior A.I accuracy

Is it just me or is the a.i accuracy in current and upcoming FPS games becoming more frustratingly accurate and precise? I mean, you expose your body for no more than a half of a second and already bullets come piercing through your player's body. Even while running the a.i never seem to have a hard time tagging you with perfect precision. For example, take games like Gears of War and Rainbow Six Vegas, you think with an in-depth cover system you would be safe from those armor-piercing rounds right? One can say that, but the a.i always finds some inconvenient way to flank you, sometimes using a crack sized opening from certain objects, to hit you forcing you to move to another cover spot but as soon as you're out of cover... DEAD! It's ridiculous. Even at a normal difficulty setting it may prove difficult to finish a level without being a bullet sponge. WATHAFAXUP!