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MrAlstander Blog

Battlefield 3: Premium? (Blog update)

Q1: Will you have to pay for the included version if you already own Back To Karkand? Or will you get compensated in any way? Because paying the amount of 50Euro while already have paid 15Euro for the first expansion feels like being a bit ripped off.

A1: No, you will not get compensated in any way and you do pay for the included version of -Back to Karkand-

The other comment about that was "But you do get the benefits of the premium pack". Felt more like a "we don't care, wo only want your money" kind of response.

Q2:The pack now includes a RESET STATISTICS button.. I mean, A REAL RESET button for the statistics. Isn't that like saying "We welcome aim-bots and other hacks" to destroy the game experience for all that acually plays for fun and compare in honest ways?

A2: All gaming activity are being logged and looked at to make sure no cheating is involved. But ofcourse it "could" be a way for those who use hacks to cheat their way up. But it's not recommended.

(Not recommended, really?...d'uh)

So to sum it up. You have to pay again for something you already own, and EA does almost the same thing they did with the -Mass Effect 3 DLC-

Thank you EA yet again for screwing your paying players over again!

Battlefield 3: Premium?

Okay, so the Battlefield 3: Premium, got announced at this years E3 event. And by looking through the content for this premium pack, two things comes to my mind.

1. The Premium pack includes upcoming expansions for the game, along with the current -Back to Karkand- expansion.

Q1: Will you have to pay for the included version if you already own Back To Karkand? Or will you get compensated in any way? Because paying the amount of 50Euro while already have paid 15Euro for the first expansion feels like being a bit ripped off.

A1: By the looks of it, you will pay for yet another version of it even if you already own Back to Karkand.

I have contacted EA about this matter and are awaiting at this moment for them to respond. My last support matter got dealt with in a day from the first mail and the outcome couldn't have been better. So I will update this blog once I get the final word from them.

Q2: The pack now includes a RESET STATISTICS button.. I mean, A REAL RESET button for the statistics. Isn't that like saying "We welcome aim-bots and other hacks" to destroy the game experience for all that acually plays for fun and compare in honest ways?

A2: I Haven't spoken to EA about this yet, but it will be included in the support matter I am waiting on right now. And this will also be included in the blog update for this post.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned!

Dead Space 3, RiP or Awesome?

It seems that the game -Dead Space- will move on from being a survival horror with the point on keeping you with the feeling of constantly being watched, and scared to death when something suddelny bursts out from the wall or ceiling, to being an action shooter with cool effects.

When I first played -Dead Space- the game was freaking awesome, always keeping me with a pounding heart knowing I could get jumped by anything at any time! The story was deep and rich adding to the atmosphere.

The Second game kept the story going with the same atmosphere, not as scary as the first game, but still enough to watch over my shoulder. The real horror started when (spoiler alert) arriving at the Ishimura, with the tights walkways, still scarred from the first game, seeing were you got jumped and where necros jumped through the wall, coming at you. But that only lasted for a brief moment before going back to not being so scary anymore.

And now with the third game. What happened? Will this game be as scary or will it just line up to be yet another action paced third-person shooter?

Seeing how Issak now can, crouch, dodge, and so on as in any other game, it slowly takes away the role of being more careful where you step.

And now that the game only plays out in certain ways depending on if you play Co-Op or not. Doesn't this take away the atmospheric effects and keep you constantly on your toes?

-Dead Space 3- is due early 2013. So untill then I guess one can only wonder.

Will -Dead Space 3- Rest in peace or will it be as amazing as it's Predecessors?

Time will tell.

Alien: Colonial Marines?

Well, what much to say?

The story plot is set to play out a few weeks after the 3'rd installment in the trilogy of the -Alien- movies.

From an early demo shown, the surroundings were in the original command center from the second movie -Aliens-

Sure, the game can take place on LV-426, as they return to the planet. But showing the exact command center with the exact hole in the wall to the opposite side of the escape route for, Burke, inside the building. When in-fact the entire colony got blown up in a a few megaton blast before escaping the planet.

How will they explain that?

Now, does this mean that the game will suck in any way because the story doesn't add up at points?

No, it doesn't. But claiming to be a part of the story and acually calling it a sequel, it could atleast stay true to the Alien events.

Most boring presentation award!

And the winner of the most boring presentation award goes to Nintendo.

The Press-con was really stale, it lacked energy and had futile efforts in trying to make jokes.

Sure, the WiiU is a pretty cool concept. But it was extremely boring to watch.

Dead Space, iPad

Recently purchased -Dead Space- for my iPad 2. And I must say that the game looks stunning for being on this type of console. It works really well with the touch-screen. So lets see when I have the time to finish it to give it a review! :)

My music blog

If you like alternative music, then feel free to head over to my music blog. There I post and upload my own music production! The blog can be found at:

About -Diablo 3- being too "short"

Diablo 3 cleared in 3-6 hours? Please... To everyone that complains about Diablo 3 being too "short". Ofcourse it's too bloody short when you run like an idiot from point "A" to point "B" you dumbasses. Instead, do it like a true Diablo fan and EXPLORE every inch of the maps, LISTEN to ALL the Lore ENJOY the game as it was ment to be. So don't go around complaining that the game is "too short". Because then this game isn't for you. It's called Action Role-Playing game for a reason. Not "Run like hell to the ending" Do all I wrote and you got yourself atleast 20 good hours of gameplay per run. And anyone saying they cleared the game in that small period of time can't have run it on inferno difficulty. Sure, the game is short when you race from point "A" to point "B" on NORMAL mode. But then you have to start on Nightmare, then you move on to Hell and so on. And if you play the game in Co-Op with a friend the game gets a little more challenging as the more people you play together with, the stronger your enemies grow. All in all, try to enjoy the game as it was really ment to be. An awesome Action-RPG with amazing cutscenes and Lore.