Named the spoiler code! I was a bit annoyed by the 'amateuristic' way spoiler are covered in most of the unions I'm in. Meaning it's marked spoiler but most of the time you'll read it anyway because it's directly under the spoiler warning. So I went over to the Gamespot Enhancement Board something... and suggested a spoiler code I had seen on a different forum, as I was typing a long long story about how it works and how good it is. I also entered an example, so when I submitted the post it gave a spoiler warning. Like this: [spoiler] BOOYAKA! [/spoiler] I was amazed, and of course felt stupid I hadn't tested it before posting the thread, but I was also glad. So as fast as I could I deleted the topic again to cover up my stupidity, although not alot of people may know about this. Anyway here's how to do it:
[ SPOILER ] Enter the spoiler text! [ /SPOILER ], remove the spaces between the bracets and voilà!
[spoiler] Enter the spoiler text! [/spoiler]
I thought I'd share this with you. ;)
(Yippie finally a long blog post!!)
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