The fact that this is worthy of disscussion at all makes me think that the PS3 is already a lost cause. I'm not being a fanboy. I would rather have three strong companies seriously competing with each other to strengthen the industry and provide us consumers with better products. The future looks grim.
$1000 for a PS3? That has to be one of the most absurd things I have ever heard. I thought $500 CAD was far too much for a 360 when it first came out If Sony wants to be able to compete with the rest of this gen they have to get their collective heads out of their asses and realize that the vast majority of people who buy video games are not willing to pay that much for a glorified toy. The worst part about this is that Sony is not acting competivitly which means that both MS and Nintendo can feel safe resting on their laurels. Sony is hurting the enitre industry with their disregard for strategic thinking!
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