in the modern warfare sinping was actual fun and my most used class, I loved hiding in the grass and taking out kids , but after that they changed it up and never had any good sniping maps hope they bring the mad designe back from the orginal cod
stop arguing on which system is better just get both and problem solved !! both gonna hav amazing games and exclusives and I wanna play them all just like im doing in this gen
Xbox ONE- for multiplayer and single player (XBL was always better in multiplayer gaming the the PS)
call of duty MW was the best COD/ online shooter I have played great maps guns simple yet hard to master. not like the rest which were made for every day gamers. if you can shoot a sniper without aiming down the scoop aka no scoop or quick scope the game is retarded. COD became CRAP hope they take it back to the good days
MrBlonde220's comments