Hey guys. Once again, sorry I haven't been posting. I've been busy with a lot of stuff and have been a little depressed. Due to my constant absences from school, and my sheer stupidity I'm probably not going to graduate this year and may have to go back to high school for a fifth year. In a way I think deserve it. A way to pay myself back for all the times I didn't hand in work and just plain didn't care about school. I messed up big, but so be it. Plenty of people have stayed back, and now I'm one of them. I just need to make sure I dedicate myself to this last, last year and show off my true potential.
In other news I've been playing a lot of Vegas 2. I just find it to be the best multi-player game since Halo 2. I'm having a lot of fun with it and Villa might be the best multi-player map ever created. I'm playing with a really cool group of guys, a clan called Smoke U who strat out maps and really take a strategic approach to playing. They only play team survival, the way it's meant to be played. One life. That's it. It really gives the game a little more challenge.
Last but not least, I'm the lead singer for a new band. One of my friends who I've known since he was born and a couple of his friends have formed a band and are singing at a Battle of the Bands competition in Sparta, New Jersey. We're really coming together and are pretty good for a senior, two sophomores and two freshmen. We have a lot of potential and we'll hopefully at least place in the competition. We're playing three songs. Woman by Wolfmother, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, and Guerrilla Radio by Rage against the Machine. It should be a lot of fun if not anything else. We're really starting to sound great and we're really getting pumped for Saturday.
Anyway guys, I hope you all have been doing alright. Leave me a comment, tell what you've been up too. I hope everything's well, and I hope to get a new video up soon. My camera doesn't work on my new computer for some reason. Oh well. Talk to you soon.