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The BEST and WORST of Mr. Bojangles - Day 3

Welcome back! Today, my picks match up with the title. It's Day 3 and today's feature brings us the #3 Best and Worst videos. We're getting close! Again, couldn't really pick a "good" bad video, but on the other hand, there's quite the abundance of quality stuff, but I chose and nonetheless, here they are.

#3 WORST - Awesomeness Volume IX - Awesomeness Up-Down-Grade


Simply put, this should've been a text blog, not an Awesomeness Volume. I'm not really annoying in this one, but I'm also not too exciting. It's really laid back, and again, any updates could've been logged on my profile's blog. It just seems like a wasted effort. I should've just waited for my camera to work again.

#3 BEST - Awesomeness Volume I - Orange Awesomeness


So, after much diliberation, I choose Awesomeness Volume 1 for the #3 spot. It was really tough to decide between my #2. This is the Awesomeness that started it all. I have a lot of energy in this one as I begin my Awesomeness legacy. I'm now on Awesomeness Volume 16, so I must've done something right with Volume 1. I had a lot of fun introducing the series, and it shows in this video. It's my #3 pick here, and I hope you'll agree with me when you see my #2.

Alrighty then, that's it! Day 3, come and gone. Check back tomorrow for PART 4 of this monumental series. We're almost there! If you guys want, leave me some comments about your favorite 5 videos from me, and I'll craft a list and place it in the honorable mentions blog on Saturday. Ok guys, leave some love!