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Tuesday with Mr. Bojangles ISSUE #1

It's 11:56 P.M. I hope I finish this blog on time. =)

Anyway today didn't go so well for me. I went to musical rehersal and did nothing because my ditsy director changed the schedule so that all we did was dance numbers and guess what? I'm not in any of them! So beside the times we snuck out to go to Dunkin' Donuts and later Burger King, my day sucked.


After practice I went to Best Buy to get NBA Street: Homecourt but it comes out tomorrow! Balls. So I picked up a 25 dollar system selector for HD cables as well as regular video cables. And people at both Best Buy and Radio Shack said they had come out with one yet.

F***, 12:00, It's Wednesday.

Anyway the whole day I had terrible sinus pressure and felt horrible. I went right to sleep when I got home and woke up about 3 hours ago. I feel horrible, and I have rehersal again tomorrow at 9:00 in the AM. So that was my day.

And now, an unsheduled surprize!!!
