MrCHUP0N / Member

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Archive up, Metal Marines review posted, Podcast editing

I made an archive of all my freelance reviews here. It's accessible through the "whipping boy" link at the top of the blog (when looking at my profile page, not a single blog). The posted my Metal Marines review yesterday - James, you were oh-so-close with your score guess. Even with my thoughts as posted in a previous blog, it's still intriguing enough to warrant a slightly higher score than you guessed - case in point, I played it for about 90 minutes yesterday just because I felt like it.

These two weeks have been a whirlwind. I have to post the RSS feed including Episode 74 of the podcast, and I'm cleaning up editing for Episode 75 at lunch. I'll let 74 gestate since I did not give it fair treatment, and I'll probably put up a blurb in earnest instead of the "kthxbye" I posted for it. Sorry for all the delays.

Finally: thoughts on Manhunt 2 and Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (both for Wii) coming soon. One is meh, the other is fan-friggin'-tastic. And I don't care what anyone says about World War II shooters, the Wii, or about control schemes in general - MoH:H2 proves a third time over that first-person shooting is excellent with the Wii remote. Though it still unfortunately is no match for a good old computer mouse, it's insanely fun - especially when you have an Aim Down the Sight mode. (Which, sadly, Metroid Prime 3 don't gots.)