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As Good As You Remembered it, Redux

Another list of dreams for euphoria!

As good as I remember it?

Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie: Yep! (And not because Chun-Li had a shower scene. Actually that was embarrassing that they put that in there.)
Street Fighter - The Jean-Claude Van Damme Debacle: NOPE!
Mortal Kombat the Movie: No (but it was better than Street Fighter the movie)
Arkanoid: Absolutely
Galaga: no boring no oh god no
Double Dragon: YES. Xbox Live Arcade DOWNLOAD GET.
Kung Fu: Gah - no! And don't say Vigilante.
F-Zero X: Damn right.
Goldeneye (N64): **** you, no. Channeling the power of Chris Rock: "Boo me if you want, you know I'm right."
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2: Abso-freaking-lutely.
Resident Evil (Psone): Abso-"You teh mastar of unlocking"-lutely NOT.
The small Saturn Controller: Yes. Best. Evar. (No, not really, but pretty damn solid.)
The original Dual Shock: Yeah I guess, the d-pad is garbage though.
The original PSone controller: This entire controller was garbage.
The N64 controller: I am breaking out into hives. Please don't mention this abomination. In fact, call the hospital and tell my wife I love her, even though I don't have one yet.
Tecmo Super Dodge Ball (NES): A pants-wetting HELL YES. Where's my Virtual Console download?
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (SNES): I still like it kinda, but no. How do they not let you pump-fake!?
Soul Blade: You know it.
Mace - The Dark Ages: Ok this was a joke, I'm sorry.
Space Quest IV: Yeah dude.
Castlevania II - Simon's Quest: No dude. But only because "randomly uncovering teh secrat" is not my idea of naturally progressing in the game. I still likes the vampire kill die man.
Ms. Pac-Man: Yes!
Pac-Man: No! The fruit don't move!
Super Pac-Man: Ok, any game where you can eat a pellet and make Pac-Man grow to three times his size is awesome.
Instant Messenger (before AOL bought it): Yes!
ICQ: NO! There's a reason I don't like Friend Codes now. "Wat's ur ICQ num!!?" "281085281 056718287410w897413038671838591283 41045879394190873 410348613043984!" "omgpwn d00d!"
Playing DOS Games, like Doom: Hell mother-cracking yes.
Tweaking DOS settings to PLAY said games: HELL MOTHER-CRACKING NO.

And finally, as always:
Me: Ya!
You: Noi!