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As Good As You Remembered It?

Late, sleepy, list, sexual: As Good As You Remembered It?

Final Fantasy VI: Yes! (In fact, better.)
Quake II: No.
Super Mario World: Yes.
The Super NES control pad: Yes.
The NES control pad: ......NO.
Deus Ex: Oh hell yes.
Feel the Magic XY/XX: Not a chance.
Mortal Kombat II: Yes.
Mortal Kombat: No.
Final Fantasy IV: Yes.
Final Fantasy Legend II: No.
Final Fantasy Legend I: HELL no.
The Final Fantasy Adventure: Stop - just, no.
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Yes!
Kid Icarus:
Shinobi - Shadow Dancer: Damn right!
Golden Axe: Ew, no.
Bonk's Adventure: Yeah dude!
Keith Courage in Alpha Zone: Never liked it, and NO.
Dennis Rodman: Yes, and that's final.
Diehard Gamefan Magazine: Not a chance.
Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting: Yes.
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers: God no.
The Genesis: Yeah.
The SNES: Oh yeah.
PSone RPGs: Absolutely.
The N64: Oh dear God no.
Unreal Tournament: Yes.
Half-Life: Yes.
Doom: Yes.
Wolfenstein 3D: .........not so much.
Shatterhand: Hell Yes.
Strider (NES): Barf. No.
Chrono Trigger: Yes.
Chrono Cross: Yes!
Final Fantasy IX: YES!
Final Fantasy VII: .....not really.
Xenogears: Yes.
Winback (N64): You make me laugh. No.
Super Mario Bros.: Yes.
Mario Bros.: No.
The X-Men Comics: Yeah.
The X-Men Cartoon: Not so much.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Movie: HELL yeah.
TMNTII - Secret of the Ooze: Vanilla Ice says NO.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III for NES: Yes!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I for NES: No way!

And finally...
Me: Yes.
You: No!

Just kidding. I tired. Don't forget to send in questions for our podcast. Be a star like Happy_Cloud. Or try to be - there's no way you'll catch up to him now.

(Oh, and by the way, malebag [at] trigames [dot] net is actually a live email inbox now.)