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Atlus Talks (really briefly): Odin Sphere's Bilingual Bash

We got a press release, as I'm sure many other sites did, from Atlus USA that was practically gushing over Odin Sphere's option to play the game with original Japanese voice acting. I was intrigued by this, so I fired over four bite-sized questions. Atlus USA's QA Manager and Senior Editor kindly responded.

1) Is this the first game published by Atlus USA that features both English and Japanese voice overs?

No, this is not the first bilingual game we have published. Disgaea and SkyGunner are two examples of other titles we have published that include both the original Japanese voices as well as the English ones. Furthermore, Riviera, which is coming out this year for the PSP, will feature a language option.

2) What caused Atlus USA to go the route of providing both voice tracks?

Odin Sphere is a game that we believe will appeal to a wide audience, so we wanted to try and have something there for everyone... [more]