For anyone who hasn't noticed yet, here's your chance to flame me for my "omg 2 harsh nitedo pay u for slaming a PSP gam" review of Bomberman Land. For those people who are really that high on themselves that they have to say that, and I know you exist, I'm sorry if I happen to be too "jaded" to call near-mediocrity anything less than awesome.
Welp, I gone done and finally beated something else I was working on. I had been playing this for fun, but then I realized that it wasn't reviewed so the always-kind Justin Calvert said to go ahead and finish it for review. Here we be's:
Yeah. If you can't see it, or if you've clicked on it, looked at it, and still can't see it, the completion time was a nostril-hair under five hours and twenty minutes. Now, I did enjoy this game. Quite a bit, actually. It's not great as a DS game as much as it is a mobile game simply because it's less impressive on the DS, but it's plenty good and I'd say you should get it for a quick romp through a dungeon-crawl. But just... be ready for it to be over really fast. There are reviews out there that claim ten hours. Nope. One claimed seven to eight, which is more palpable. But honestly, if you're light on your feet and go through it briskly - not even rush through it, just go through it briskly - it'll give you less than advertised.
Is this such a BAD thing? A little disappointing, but not all that bad. Again: just consider yourself warned.
Aaaaaaaaand... feastyoureyeson THESE!