This will remain my gaming home-away-from-Trigames.NET. I'll still try to remember to update my 1up account too. But for everything else, will be born. At some point. Likely what'll happen is it'll never get off the ground. And I'm ok with that. But I love following trends like a mindless drone, because 'tis what I am: a drone and victim of others' revolutions.
In other words: "Why? Cuz e'ryone else is doing it!" (By the way: no, this isn't what my cryptic stupid images are hinting at. Honestly, I just decided to start it on a whim after a beer. In fact, what cryptic stupid images? What hints? What am I talking about? What are YOU talking about? *pokes you in chest* Huh? *pokes you in chest again* HUH!?)
Oh, and my Orcs & Elves review is posted. Like I implied earlier, I did enjoy it quite a bit. Way too short, but good simple gory fun. Now, Draglade... and so far, not bad. Not bad at all.