Finally done. Review here.
The long and the short of it? The shooting works really well. 80% of the minigames and non-shooting mechanics don't. Driving is way too sensitive. Planting a bomb isn't sensitive enough. Grappling against a Nazi for your rifle isn't explained clearly enough by the in-game icons. (Hint: you gotta keep the analog stick and buttons facing your chest; Aaron Thomas recommends that you just drum the two controllers up and down too, so you can try that, but I didn't have much success). The two mechanics - aiming a mortar and rowing - that DO work really, really well? They happen once or twice each in the entire game. Blech. It's also missing ANY sort of multiplayer.
Finally, for some reason it looks like Treyarch hasn't been able to make a single player campaign that packs the same "oomph" as Infinity Ward's first two original efforts. However, it's still fun and very hair-raising at times. Let me just say that I hope Infinity Ward is working on the PC version, yeah?
Honestly, the shooting worked so well that I still think it was worth playing, but only for a rental. Definitely try it just for the shooting action. It works that nicely (glares angrily in Red Steel's direction). But make sure you rent, or get on deep discount.
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