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Chris Kohler versus Uwe Boll: Fight

Chris Kohler of Wired's Game|Life blog - also writer of Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life - had a little phone interview with Uwe Boll about his latest disaster, "Postal." Now, Kohler had written a scathing - and likely justified - commentary on the "film." Uwe Boll sent childish emails Kohler's way. Kohler, responding politely, offered an interview so that Balls could tell his side of the story - but was rejected multiple times before finally saying "yes".

So what did You Vay Balls have to say? If you guessed "complete and utter crap," you'd be 150% correct. Don't believe me? Take a look at this:

"I'm not the new Ed Wood. Ed Wood died poor! And had no success. There's only that romantic term that Ed Wood was a genius because of the Johnny Depp movie, not because of Ed Wood. And this is the point, it's completely absurd, and the whole internet bashing is completely absurd and has nothing to do with my movies. And normally, journalists like you should see that and should write that. You can write, I didn't like Bloodrayne, I didn't like Alone In The Dark, I thought they were stupid, and bad acting, whatever, but if you write that the movies look like amateur trash movies, then you are lying on purpose."

Um. What? I mean seriously, come ON. Like I commented on Kohler's blog, he must have purchased a dump-truck full of Delusion from the entire team behind Daikatana.

You can read the entire laugh factory here.